Real Choice Systems Change


Grant Information

Name of Grantee

Nevada Department of Human Resources

Title of Grant

Real Choices: Improving Community Services and Supports for Special Needs Children in Nevada

Type of Grant

Real Choice Systems Change

Amount of Grant


Year Original Funding Received


Expected Completion Date

September 2006

Contact Information

Judith Wright, Bureau Chief

Debra Wagler, Program Manager

Sean Crowley, Management Analyst
3472 Goni Road, Suite 108
Carson City, NV 89701-4792




Target Population(s)

Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) aged 0 to 22 in Nevada and their families.


Improve community-integrated, family-focused services and supports for CSHCN in Nevada.


  • Complete a comprehensive, statewide needs assessment of the nature and magnitude of challenges facing CSHCN and their families in Nevada.
  • Evaluate service delivery models and statewide planning approaches developed and implemented in other states.
  • Develop a comprehensive set of public policy recommendations, proposals, and strategies aimed at improving community-based services and supports for CSHCN and their families in Nevada.
  • Establish a Nevada Advisory Council on CSHCN.
  • Implement a statewide media campaign on issues and challenges facing CSHCN and their families in Nevada.
  • Implement three community-based pilot projects in urban northern (Reno metro area), urban southern (Las Vegas metro area), and rural–frontier regions of Nevada.


Nevada seeks to improve community-based services and supports for children with special health care needs. The primary goal of these activities is enduring systems improvements in Nevada that will increase access to community-based programs, services, and supports for CSHCN and their families.

This project was developed with the consultation of the following state agencies: the Nevada State Department of Human Resources (DHR); three divisions and one office within the DHR—Division of Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP), Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services (DMHDS), the Nevada State Health Division (SHD), the Community Connections office; and the Nevada State Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR). Project activities were also developed with the broad, collaborative input of parents of CSHCN, private service providers, advocacy groups, and treatment professionals in Nevada. The project will be administered by the Nevada State Health Division and will be coordinated with an ongoing, legislatively mandated initiative within the DHR to develop a "Strategic Plan for Services to Persons with Disabilities" in Nevada.

The project will address two well documented needs in Nevada—the absence of a coordinated system of community-based and family-focused programs, services, and supports for CSHCN in Nevada, and an essentially nonexistent statewide resource planning system for CSHCN and families in Nevada. Activities will result in (1) generation of data during Years 1 through 3 of the proposed budget period that provide a better understanding of the nature and magnitude of challenges facing CSHCN in Nevada; (2) development of a permanent data collection system during Year 1 that allows state policymakers, service providers, advocates, and families of CSHCN to evaluate service delivery models and planning approaches developed in other states and regions; (3) development of public policy initiatives and a long-term strategic plan that provides concrete solutions to the medical care and service needs of CSHCN in Nevada; (4) implementation of a statewide multimedia campaign on issues affecting CSHCN and their families in Nevada; (5) establishment of a permanent Nevada Advisory Council on Children with Special Health Care Needs that will guide project activities and serve as an ongoing forum for issues addressing community-based services and supports for CSHCN once the funding period of the proposed project has been completed; and (6) development and implementation of a multicommunity demonstration during Year 2 of the proposed budget period that is based on lessons learned from activities in Year 1 of the project.