Real Choice Systems Change


Grant Information

Name of Grantee

Department of Social Services

Title of Grant

Flexible Choices for Independence

Type of Grant

Real Choice Systems Change

Amount of Grant


Year Original Funding Received



Contact Information

Sherl Taylor, Medicaid Manager
Division of Medical Services
615 Howerton Court, PO Box 6500
Jefferson City, MO 65102-6500



University of Missouri-Kansas City
Christine Rinck

Target Population(s)

Consumers of all ages who have a disability or long-term illness.


  • Streamline the system to assure easy and quick access to needed services and supports.
  • Assure that the infrastructure and process reflects consumer choice and consumer input.
  • Foster interagency coordination and collaboration.
  • Assure informed choices at all stages of care so that consumers can make good decisions about their lives.
  • Enhance linkages at critical points to assure successful transitions to community living.
  • Conduct research on small demonstration projects to identify best practices and projects that should be replicated.
  • Establish a quality assurance mechanism that relies on consumer input and is data driven.


  • Develop resources for training on informed choices for a wide audience.
  • Train consumers on how to discuss informed choice with other individuals with a disability or long-term illness.
  • Identify perceptions of consumers, providers, service coordinators, and agency staff.
  • Examine length of hospital stays and the number of persons transferred from hospitals to nursing homes who stay longer than anticipated and conduct a pilot that attempts to address each of the factors found in the study to determine what strategies are most successful in facilitating living in community settings.
  • Develop and pilot a quality assurance process that can be used for all participating agencies.
  • Develop and pilot a standardized application process and referral system.
  • Develop a guidebook on available housing assistance programs within Missouri.
  • Conduct a financial analysis to examine the multiple funding streams and their pathways across multiple child-service agencies in order to create a comprehensive picture of the child mental health system.
  • Implement and pilot training and tracking systems for the prevention of alcohol and drug use among students in grades 8 to 12 in three school districts.
  • Develop a state children's data warehouse system to assist in the administrative management of funding, insure quality care, and provide clinically meaningful information.
  • Sponsor 16 staff from state health-related agencies to attend a conference for training in the new 1915c waiver application process.
  • Sponsor self-advocates for participation in a national conference intended to enhance knowledge of partnership collaboration practices to be used between consumers, families, providers, direct support professionals, and state disability organizations.
  • Sponsor the purchase of a 3-year license agreement with the College of Direct Support on behalf of the Missouri Department of Mental Health to help train, support, and increase the number of direct care professionals through a Web-based learning process.
  • Host a statewide retreat for adults with developmental disabilities to build their capacity to participate in local and statewide changes to the current disability systems.


The objective of Flexible Choices for Independence is to enhance the lives of people with a disability or long-term illness through systems change to allow them to live in the most integrated community setting, exercise meaningful choices about their lives, and obtain quality services. The outcome of the activities of this grant will be that people with a disability or long-term illness will have a significant voice in choices about their life and be able to shape the services that they receive. In addition, services will be more consumer-driven and better serve people with a disability or long-term illness.