Nursing Facility Transitions


Grant Information

Name of Grantee


Title of Grant

Texas Independent Living Partnership

Type of Grant

Nursing Facility Transitions, Independent Living Partnership

Amount of Grant


Year Original Funding Received



Contact Information

John Meinkowsky, Project Director

Jack Stratton, Deputy Director
825 E. Rundberg Lane, Suite A-1
Austin, TX 78753



Target Population(s)

People with all types of disabilities, of all ages, in nursing facilities and those at risk of nursing facility placement.


  • Expand upon successful outreach activities to identify people with disabilities of all ages in nursing facilities who are seeking to transition to the community with appropriate services and supports.
  • Develop and implement components of training targeted to state agency staff, consumers, volunteers, advocates, and private service providers to address barriers to community transition.
  • Develop lasting partnerships and implement systemic changes that supplement the state's infrastructure.


  • Coordinate annual conferences of Center for Independent Living (CIL) staff, state agency staff, and partners.
  • Develop and disseminate materials to replicate "best practices" for identifying consumers for community transition.
  • Participate in ongoing training activities in each of the 11 State regions.
  • Present specific recommendations for local, state, and national policy changes.


The Texas Independent Living Partnership is a cooperative effort of the Texas Association of Centers for Independent Living (TACIL), the Texas Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC), and the Texas Department of Human Services (TDHS). CILs in Texas and state agencies assist people with disabilities who want to move from nursing facilities to their own homes in the community. The project will work with state agencies, community organizations, and advocacy groups who serve children and adults of all ages with all types of disabilities.

TACIL represents 11 organizations operating CILs in 18 communities. HHSC is the State Medicaid Agency and leads the State's "Promoting Independence" initiative. TDHS is the state agency that funds nursing facilities and many of the State's community-based, long-term care programs. Organizations serving children with disabilities, individuals with specific disabilities, and elderly individuals have agreed to help with outreach materials, training activities, and recommendations for changes to the long-term care system.