Initiative (REBAL)
Individuals with mental retardation (MR),
developmental disabilities (DD), and physical disabilities.
Statewide after piloting in three to five
regions of the State.
Increase access to and the availability and diversity of
home and community-based long-term services and supports; maximize
opportunities for consumers to choose, design, and manage community services
and supports; and ensure that individuals can use funds in multiple settings
and that quality assurance practices are incorporated into individual service
Objectives, and Activities
Goal: Provide tools,
information, and resources to individuals with disabilities, their families,
case managers, and providers to assist them in designing person-centered
service plans and to maximize informed choice in the selection of supports and
- Implement a
person-centered service planning awareness program to renew interest in
and increase knowledge of person-centered planning principles and
- Develop materials and
training guides that explain person-centered service planning options and
fully describes all available service options.
- Create a Web page on
the Partnership for People with Disabilities Web site and post
person-centered planning information and resource materials.
- Develop a rebalancing
plan that details strategies to ensure growth in the systemic and
systematic use of person-centered service planning and informed choice.
- Develop an
implementation plan to incorporate successful practices into routine
Goal: Maximize
opportunities for individuals in State training centers and individuals
currently on the statewide urgent waiting lists to choose, design, and manage
needed community supports and services.
- Provide information
and resources on person-centered services planning, informed choice, and
service options to individuals who will be returning to the community and
individuals who will be moving from the urgent waiting list into slots in
the MR Waiver.
- Provide assistance as
needed in developing person-centered services and supports that are based
on informed choice.
- Assess strengths and
challenges of the pilot (including financing of services and quality
management) and use results to refine materials and processes.
- Identify strategies to
ensure that processes developed (including financing across settings and
quality in all supports) are used with additional individuals who receive
"slots" in waivers.
- Develop an
implementation plan that ensures that processes are incorporated in
policies and procedures of Community Service Boards (CSBs)
and reinforced at the State level.
Goal: Develop
definitions, processes, and procedures that can be used to identify additional
services that can become consumer-directed within Virginia's MR/DD Waiver programs.
- Identify the types of
consumer-directed services available in other states, such as in-home
services and supported employment, and determine if these services can
become consumer directed in Virginia.
- Identify barriers that
limit the number and types of consumer-directed services that are offered
in the State and the strategies to overcome them.
- Develop definitions
for additional consumer-directed services and identify strategies and
processes for including the services in waivers.
- Develop a project
rebalancing plan that describes strategies to increase consumer-directed
- Develop an
implementation plan and share information with key stakeholders.
Activities and Products
- Prepare a report on
findings of research from other states that outlines additional
prospective consumer-directed services and definitions to include in Virginia's waivers.
- Prepare a report
describing the pilot demonstration that provides information on the
effectiveness of materials and resources, the tracking of financing of
services, the quality practices, and the findings and results.
- Develop materials that
explain the philosophy of person-centered planning and person-centered
services in formats useful for individuals, family members, case managers,
providers, and other supporters.
- Develop resource
documents on the array of options for community support and service.
- Prepare a rebalancing
and implementation plan that addresses how the State can integrate and
continue the work of this initiative.
Consumer Partners
and their Involvement in Implementation Activities
Consumers and family members will participate in the
grant's advisory group and will assist in (1) developing materials;
(2) providing guidance on person-centered planning and informed choice
activities; (3) providing oversight in the examination of the expansion of
consumer-directed services; and (4) developing implementation and
sustainability plans.
Public and
Private Partners and their Involvement in Implementation Activities
- The Department of Mental
Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS), as
members of the Training Advisory Team, will assist in the development of
materials to ensure that the products will support the State's discharge
planning process. The DMHMRSAS staff will also assist in identifying
regulatory and practice barriers to consumer-directed services.
- The Department of
Medical Assistance (DMAS) will participate in workgroups to develop
materials and processes for person-centered planning and increased consumer
choice; assist with the development of definitions for new or additional
consumer-directed services; and provide feedback and input on all grant
activities through membership in the advisory group.
Body, Committee, or Task Force
A Consumer and Agency Advisory Group, comprised of
representatives from other systems change grants that are located at the
Partnership for People with Disabilities and local staff members involved in
the pilot, will work with project staff in all phases of the project to provide
guidance and input to the development of materials and processes. Members will
include individuals with disabilities, family members, agency, and provider
Evaluation Activities
- Project staff will
monitor project activities and document the number and types of products
disseminated, requests for technical assistance received and responses
provided, numbers of participants at meetings or other group events, and
utilization of materials.
- Project staff will pilot
test materials for ease-of-use, content, and principles of universal
design. Results from these pilot tests will guide modifications and
refinements to materials.
- Participants in training
events or those receiving technical assistance will complete evaluation
forms that will measure changes in their knowledge and awareness, which
will be used to assist staff with identifying pertinent follow-up
activities as well as emerging needs.
Evaluation Activities
The State is not planning to conduct a formal summative
evaluation of grant activities.
to Ensure Sustainability
- Project staff will
work with DMAS, DMHMRSAS, and others to ensure that project activities
have been institutionalized into State policies and practices.
- Grant staff will
identify traditional and nontraditional sources of potential funding for
the future support of project activities to continue beyond the grant.