Community Based Treatment Alternatives for Children


Grant Information

Name of Grantee

Illinois Department of Human Service

Title of Grant

Illinois' Feasibility Study and Development Project for Community Based Treatment Alternatives for Children

Type of Grant

Community Based Treatment Alternatives for Children

Amount of Grant


Year Original Funding Received


Contact Information

Amy Starin, Principal Investigator
4200 N Oak Park Avenue, Annex
Chicago, IL 60634


None at this time.

Target Population(s)

Children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance who have been awarded Individual Care Grants and their families.


The State of Illinois, Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health provides residential treatment services to children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance through the Individual Care Grant (ICG) program. The goal of this study is to determine the feasibility of developing a Medicaid waiver to provide community services as a viable alternative to residential treatment under the State's ICG program.


  • Develop a set of recommendations for the Individual Care Grant (ICG) program to improve its community-based option as an alternative to residential treatment.
  • Conduct focus groups with providers, parents, and adolescent ICG service recipients to assess the barriers to providing community-based mental health care, and to identify factors that will strengthen the community-based ICG program.
  • Make recommendations for legislative changes to the ICG administrative rule.
  • Identify potential providers for new services under the ICG program and develop a plan for monitoring service delivery.
  • Make recommendations to the Department regarding the development of a Medicaid Waiver for children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED).


The goal of the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health feasibility study is to form a coalition to (1) address barriers to receiving respite services, (2) to develop an appropriate package of services to adequately support SED children and adolescents in their homes, and (3) avert residential treatment care (RTC). The coalition will comprise parent consumers, private, community-based mental health providers, the Illinois Federation of Families, and representatives of the State mental health authority. RTC would remain an option; however, families would have a choice regarding the location of their child's treatment.

The ICG Parent's Group will be a key partner, assisting with the development, implementation, and evaluation of this study. A parent will also serve as the co-principal investigator.

The data gathering and analysis involved in this study will be obtained through a contract with a health care consultant. The consultant will conduct focus groups and telephone interviews with ICG parents, community mental health agency providers, and ICG teen recipients. The consultant will also analyze the information and assess the financial feasibility of providing recommended services. The possibility of using a Medicaid waiver to provide these services will also be assessed.