Real Choice Systems Change


Grant Information

Name of Grantee

Department of Mental Health

Title of Grant

Person Centered Planning

Type of Grant

Real Choice Systems Change

Amount of Grant


Year Original Funding Received


Contact Information

Matt Armstrong, Division Director

Jake Hutchins
Division of Community Services
1101 Robert E. Lee Building
239 N Lamar Street
Jackson, MS 39201



Region 6
Life Help
Madolyn Smith

Region 12
Pine Belt Mental Health
Jerry Mayo

Region 13
Gulf Coast Mental Health Center
Jeff Bennett

Region 15
Warren Yazoo Mental Health
Steve Roark

The University of Southern Mississippi
Department of Curriculum,
Instruction & Special Education
Dr. Linda McDowell

The University of Mississippi
Department of Psychology
Paul Deal

NAMI Mississippi
411 Briarwood Drive, Suite 410
Jackson, MS 39206
Teri Brister

Target Population(s)

Transition individuals who are between 17 and 26 years of age who have a serious mental illness or dual diagnosis (mental illness/substance abuse or mental illness/mental retardation).


  • Demonstrate a model for systems change by training stakeholders in the Person Centered Planning (PCP) process and applying the PCP process in three selected mental health regions.
  • Document improvements in the quality of supports based on the PCP model by measuring satisfaction among individuals receiving services, support providers' acknowledgment of increased positive outcomes, and cost effectiveness of the PCP model.
  • Collaborate with the current support systems of Mental Illness Management (MIMS) and Intensive Case Management and future support models being considered in Mississippi.


  • Review the MIMS and Intensive Case Management systems and introduce the PCP process to meet the needs of adolescents and adults with mental illness or/or dual diagnosis.
  • Build consensus among the stakeholders (professionals and individuals receiving services) for use of the PCP process in three Community Mental Health Regions: Region 6 (Greenwood), 13 (Gulfport), and 15 (Vicksburg).
  • Train professionals and peer specialists from each of the three participating Community Mental Health Regions to use the Person Centered Planning model.
  • Implement the PCP model in the three participating Community Mental Health Regions and conduct ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the model.
  • Incorporate evaluation findings into the model and revise as necessary.
  • Publish and disseminate findings of the implementation of the model.


The Mississippi State Department of Mental Health in collaboration with the Division of Medicaid and the Office of the Governor, propose a pilot with the Real Choice Systems Grant to introduce the Person Centered Planning process to MIMS and Intensive Case Management by providing a Regional Support Coordinator and other support staff to create effective, enduring improvements in Mississippi community long-term support systems. The project would demonstrate that this alternative approach increases the possibility that transition individuals 17 to 26 years of age, who have a serious mental illness or dual diagnosis, can self-manage their illness and participate in their community to the best of their ability with the support necessary to allow them to achieve their expressed goals and accomplish their highest level of independence.