Nursing Facility Transitions


Grant Information

Name of Grantee

DHHS, Bureau of Behavioral Health

Title of Grant

Community Wrap: Older Adult Wraparound Services

Type of Grant

Nursing Facility Transitions, State Program

Amount of Grant


Year Original Funding Received


Contact Information

Todd Ringelstein, Project Director

Linda Bimbo, Project Coordinator
105 Pleasant Street, Main Building
Concord, NH 03301


Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
Keith Miles

Riverbend Community Mental Health, Inc.
Carrie Hughes

University of New Hampshire-
Institute on Disability
Susan Fox

Consumer Peer Support Outreach to be decided.

Target Population(s)

Individuals in the Concord region with mental illness who are currently in a nursing home, or in the State psychiatric facility receiving a nursing home level of care but are no longer in an acute phase of their psychiatric illness.


  • Ensure stable community residence for older adults with complex, multiple problems who are currently residing in nursing homes or receiving nursing home level of care in the State psychiatric facility.
  • Expand housing opportunities for people with mental illness and other disabilities in the Concord community and statewide.
  • Develop a system for providing the services needed to transition people from institutions to a community residence.


  • Identify service gaps for individuals seeking community-based residency.
  • Develop and implement a "Wraparound Services" program to assist individuals transitioning to the community.
  • Develop funding options for housing, social, adult daily living, medical and mental health needs.
  • Enhance older adult outreach capacity through intense case management, community outreach, and strengthened advocacy.
  • Hire a housing specialist to pursue available and affordable housing through state and federal housing benefits.


The Department of Health and Human Services' Division of Behavioral Health, in collaboration with the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Institute on Disability, Riverbend Community Mental Health Center, the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority and Pathways to Recovery Peer Support Program, will work together to transition older adults with mental illness from nursing facilities to the community.

This 3–year program contains two interrelated initiatives targeted at "Wraparound Services" for transitioning older adults with mental illness from nursing facility settings to community-based settings and expanding housing opportunities for people with mental illness and other disabilities in the Concord community and statewide. The wraparound approach has proven to be very effective in coordinating and delivering care when used with children diverted from, or transitioned out of, institutional placements, and has recently been shown to be similarly effective with older adults.

The goal of the project is to ensure that adequate and appropriate services and housing are delivered to ensure stable community residence for older adults with complex, multiple problems who are currently residing in nursing homes or are receiving a nursing home level of care in the State psychiatric facility.

Year 1 of the project will include a review and analysis of service gaps for individuals seeking community-based residency. In Year 2, we will plan the Wrap Around Services demonstration. In Year 3, we will implement and evaluate the Wrap Around Team that includes a local Mental Health Peer Support Group with 10 individuals from the Concord region.

Throughout the 3 years, a regional and statewide strategy to improve the availability of affordable and accessible housing will be implemented. Also over the 3–year period, the project process and outcomes will be documented in an evaluation provided by the New Hampshire Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center.