Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement in Home and Community-Based Services


Target Population

All people served by the Connecticut Department of Mental Retardation (DMR).

Geographic Focus


Primary Focus

Goals, Objectives, and Activities

Goal: Develop the capacity to input, store, analyze, and report quality indicators of the Department's new quality review system.


Goal: Assure and improve quality for individuals living in their own or family homes.


Goal: Involve individuals and their families in defining, determining, and improving quality.


Goal: Develop and provide a wide range of training activities for various participant users of the new quality system.


Key Activities and Products

Consumer Partners and their Involvement in Implementation Activities

Public and Private Partners and their Involvement in Implementation Activities

Public Partners

Private Partners

Advisory Body, Committee, or Task Force

The grant's steering committee, composed primarily of family members and consumers (i.e., more than 51 percent), and provider staff and other State agencies, will provide ongoing direction and feedback in all aspects of grant implementation and evaluation.

Formative/Process Evaluation Activities

Summative/Outcome Evaluation Activities

The steering committee will develop a final report to evaluate the grant's achievement of outcomes.

Strategies to Ensure Sustainability

In the early stages of the grant, the steering committee will assist the project directors and key staff to develop a plan for sustainability and assure that steps toward allocating financial and personnel resources and processes are in place as the activities of the grant progress. Elements of the sustainability plan will include the following: