2002 Nursing Facility Transitions Grants


Grant Information

Name of Grantee
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Senior and Long-Term Care
Title of Grant
South Carolina Home Again
Type of Grant
Nursing Facility Transitions, State Program
Amount of Grant
Year Original Funding Received

Contact Information

Kara Lewis, Project Officer

Joi Martinez Goodson, Project Manager
CLTC, 7th Floor
PO Box 8206
Columbia, SC 29202–8206



Target Population(s)

All populations in nursing facilities, with the exception of clients diagnosed as solely mentally retarded.




This project is directed in joint partnership with two state agencies, the SC Department of Mental Health (DMH) and the SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN). This grant was prepared with the objective of identifying and transitioning nursing home clients wanting to reside in the community, as well as implementing system changes needed indefinitely. The target population for this grant includes the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and clients with mental health conditions, excluding those solely diagnosed with mental retardation.

Newly hired grant staff will be primarily responsible for developing a comprehensive assessment instrument for targeting appropriate transition clients. The state intends to use the instrument with a transition team comprised of a community transition nurse (RN), the nursing facility social service worker and other nursing facility staff, the CLTC case manager (or DDSN Service Coordinator), and the client/family.

For transition clients with immediate needs, the state intends to utilize grant funds to assist with the short-term provision of rent deposits, furniture procurement, groceries, etc. Transition clients will be immediately enrolled into a waiver and then offered expanded supports. The RN will address pertinent medical issues and provide intensive caregiver/client training.

Given the intended transition of clients diagnosed with mental illness, it will be necessary to develop a package of relevant mental health services easily accessible in the community. This process will utilize supports already available and expand them in scope and frequency in recognition of transition anxiety.

Working in collaboration with the previously approved Real Choice for Systems Change grant, the nursing home transition project plans to utilize "South Carolina Access" and "South Carolina Choice." "South Carolina Access" will be a statewide information and referral system database. "South Carolina Choice" is a demonstration waiver to test an enhanced method of offering self-directed care to clients served by Community Long Term Care in the Spartanburg area. It will provide greater options with regard to the types of services and providers allowed to receive Medicaid reimbursement.