Training materials

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Benefits Planning Academy Course – Washington

Knowledge is key to making work incentive programs successful. With this in mind, the state of Washington created training curricula for those completing WIPA or the state sponsored Ben Plan Academy. The attached presentations outline, in detail, state specific Medicaid work incentives, and include links to additional resources. This training material could be helpful to other states looking for an effective training approach, or sample training materials.

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Pathways to Employment – Washington

Why is understanding benefits and work incentives important? In the attached presentation, Washington outlines its benefit and work incentive Tier II training. Highlighting the significance of what their MIG program has to offer, and how this can improve employment and economic outcomes, this presentation could serve as a guide to those interested in Washington’s MIG program, as well as an example to other states.

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A Guide to Funding and Financial Management

Are you dealing with the complicated challenges of financially developing a business? Could you use help with managing your 501(c)(3)? This guide provides technical assistance for the fundamental business principles and practices involved in running a non-profit business. It was developed with the idea that the reader has already taken the first steps of legally incorporating the business.

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We Can Do Better - Wisconsin

The purpose of employment planning is to gather valuable information in order to successfully help individuals obtain jobs that match their skills, interests and aptitudes. Training is integral to making sure this is successful. Wisconsin hosts a six-session training series at three different locations, for those wishing to receive an Integrated Employment Professional certificate. The materials from this training are attached, and include a sample registration form and evaluation results.

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First Responders - Wyoming

Are first responders equipped to help people with disabilities? The state of Wyoming wants to make sure theirs are. When responding to an emergency, first responders may encounter persons with some type of disability who will require assistance. The attached handout was given to them to help inform them about different disabilities and how to address them appropriately and effectively during an emergency.

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Healthcare Booklet for Disabled Youth - California

Why is California preparing its disabled children for their transition to teen-hood? By engaging these children early, California hopes to get these kids involved in their own health care and future employment opportunities. The end goal is a transition to adulthood that is successful, fulfilling and without limitations. The attached health care booklet contains advice, tips and more for kids preparing to take charge of their own future, and includes advice for their parents.

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Work Incentive Programs and Building Financial Assets - CA

How is California using online training to help instruct interested people about work incentives? Through webinars, the CHIIP staff are able to train people located anywhere in California. Find archived webinars on the "Talent has No Limits" Website. Corresponding PowerPoint presentations for the “Work Incentive Programs and Building Financial Assets for People with Disabilities” and the “250% Working Disabled Program and Options” webinars are also included.

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Disability History Week-Activities - California

How is California empowering their youth with disabilities? One way is through the Youth Organizing Disabled and Proud Seminar which connects youth with disabilities to each other, organizations, resources and opportunities. The attached activities and their corresponding samples are from the Seminar. Review "Disability History Campaign-Presentation and Resources" and "Disability History Week-Surveys" for more information and surveys and permission samples from this seminar.

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Benefits Planning Certificate Training - Hawaii

How are states addressing MIG benefits planning? The Hawaii Benefits Information Network hosted a ceremony for Benefits Planning Certificate Training graduates and officially launched the Hawaii Benefits Information Network. The continuing education slides for this program are attached below, as well as a sample Certificate which shows certification in Hawaii Benefits Planning Certificate Training and could serve as an example for other states.

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Consumer, Family & Youth Conference Survey – Hawaii

What leads you to want to go back to work? This is just one of many questions asked at Consumer, Family & Youth Conference, where Hawaii introduced its Benefits Information Network in 2009. Designed for the panelist discussion, this series of questions and introduction to the Benefits Information Network, emphasizes the importance of work incentives information available to the public. This document could be used by other states interested in starting a MIG grant program.

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