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Independent Choices: National Symposium On Consumer-Directed Care And Self-Determination For The Elderly And Persons With Disabilities

A summary from the June 2001 symposium titled, “Independent Choices: A National Symposium on Consumer-Direction and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities”. Major themes and outcomes are highlighted based on the dialogue from the various speakers including policymakers, program administrators, consumer advocates, service producers, and researchers.

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Implementation Lessons On Basic Features Of Cash & Counseling Programs

Based primarily on interviews with demonstration staff and other stakeholders, this paper draws lessons from their learning process on the design of basic features, in the Cash and Counseling demonstration programs. The lessons pertain to cooperating with existing service providers; outreach and enrollment; counseling and fiscal services; consumer spending plans and allowances; controlling program costs; and preventing misuse of the allowance and exploitation of the consumer.

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How Cash & Counseling Affects Informal Caregivers: Findings From Arkansas, Florida, And New Jersey

This report estimates the effects of Cash & Counseling on the caregivers who were providing the most unpaid assistance to adult beneficiaries when those beneficiaries volunteered to participate in the demonstration and completed a baseline interview. The caregivers in this analysis--identified by beneficiaries as their primary informal caregiver at baseline--were interviewed about 10 months later.

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The Effects Of Cash & Counseling On The Primary Informal Caregivers Of Children With Developmental Disabilities

This study assesses the effects of consumer direction on the experiences and well-being of the primary informal caregivers of children who participated in Florida's Cash & Counseling demonstration. Instead of Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver benefits, the demonstration program provided a monthly allowance and let parents hire providers and manage the other services and goods their child needed.

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Does Arkansas' Cash & Counseling Affect Service Use And Public Costs?

Arkansas’ Cash & Counseling Demonstration program, IndependentChoices, was studied to examine the ways in which consumer-direction affects the cost of Medicaid personal care services, as well as the cost and use of other Medicaid and Medicare services. The study also examines the affect the program had on service utilization.

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History Of And Lessons From The Cash & Counseling Demonstration And Evaluation

This paper focuses on the first three stages of the CCDE: Choosing states and the evaluator, preparation, and implementation/data gathering. This paper is part of Consumer Voice and Choice in Long-Term Care, a book inspired by a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation- and Scripps Gerontology Center- supported conference.

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