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New Realities of an Older America

By 2032, there will be more people 65 or older than children under 15, according to this report. The shift toward an older population has enormous economic, social and political implications. The authors provide a framework for thinking about each trend, and comparative perspectives on changes over time and across age groups, and the unexpected ways in which these changes may unfold.

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Testing a SSDI Benefit Offset: An Evaluation of the Wisconsin SSDI Employment Pilot

Wisconsin was one of four state based projects authorized by the SSA to begin testing a proposed benefit offset feature for the SSDI program. The pilot program was able to organize and implement its activities much as had been planned, however there were serious implementation problems at the Social Security Administration, according to this report which presents findings from both a process evaluation and the analysis of participant employment related outcomes.

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Participant-Identified Leading Practices That Could Increase the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in the Federal Workforce

The percentage of individuals with disabilities in the federal government has not increased since 1994, according to this report. Read highlights of a forum where participants, by prioritizing practices offered by subject matter experts, identified eight steps that agencies could take to help the federal government become a model employer for people with disabilities.

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What Factors Influence the Kind of Long-term Services Patients with Private Insurance Choose Over Time

What are the factors that influence the kind of long-term services patients choose over time? This was examined through a study that interviewed individuals with LTC insurance policies over a two year period. Having someone available to assist when needed, and feeling safe were found to be the most important considerations. 93% responded that home care was their first choice, however 71 % indicated that there were no options for LTC other than nursing homes in their area.

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Technologies for Improving Post-Acute Care Transitions

People receiving long term supports and services are frequently at risk for repeated hospital admissions, and patient care after a hospital stay is often fragmented and uncoordinated. Several types of technologies that have potential to support post-acute care transitions are discussed in this position paper. Studies suggest that the use of such technologies can lead to fewer hospitalizations and emergency room visits, high patient satisfaction and acceptance, and reductions in cost of care.

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Profiles of State Innovation: Roadmap for Managing Long-Term Supports and Services

Five innovative states (Arizona, Hawaii, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin) with demonstrated expertise in managed care approaches for individuals with long-term care needs are featured in this report. The resulting “roadmap” outlines 10 critical mileposts for successfully designing models for managed LTSS. It also identifies key ACA provisions that support state efforts to improve long-term care delivery.

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StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes – 2009

Unemployment of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) continues to be a significant public policy concern. This report looks at statistics over a 20-year period from several national data sets that address the status of employment and economic self-sufficiency for this population, and contains an overview of national trends, an in-depth perspective on how states collect and use employment data, and an Appendix with individual state and national profiles.

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Coming Home®: Affordable Assisted Living

America's rural communities contain the nation's highest concentrations of older people. Learn about the results of a 13-year, $13-million national program created in 1992 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and NCB Capital Impact to develop affordable assisted living models, with a focus on smaller and rural communities and low-income seniors. Learn about the strategy, program design, implementation, results and lessons learned.

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Caregivers of Veterans – Serving on the Homefront

While caregivers of veterans face similar situations as family caregivers in general, they also have unique challenges. The study reveals how providing care affects these caregivers’ lives, what organizations and information sources have been helpful to them, and what programs and services would support and assist them. Attached are links to the Full Report, Executive Summary in English and Spanish, Press Release, and a Key Findings Fact Sheet.

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