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Residential Information Systems Project Annual Report: Status and Trends Through 2015

This is a technical report about the supports and services that people with IDD receive through the State IDD agency. In addition to the report, there are state profiles, which describe status and trends for each state in the country, and a chart gallery, which is an interactive tool to view detailed data by state, year, and funding authority. Topics include ICF/IID and Medicaid Waiver recipients, expenditures and expenditures per person from 1977 to 2015.

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Bridging the Health and Housing Gap Transitioning Medicaid Recipients from Institutions to the Community in the Context of Housing Shortages and Affordability

This report reviews federal health and housing policies, noting the barriers created that seniors with clinically-driven housing insecurity must navigate. It also reviews a series of initiatives that ACAP members are undertaking to address housing as a social determinant for this vulnerable population, with examples from California, Ohio, and North Carolina.

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Improving Professional Caregiving in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities

This paper discusses the long-term services and supports landscape; individuals who work with a direct service worker; the direct service worker profession; the direct service worker shortage; challenges for individuals served by direct service workers; and pathways to improvements.

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No Wrong Door: Supporting Community Living for Veterans

This paper from AARP describes promising practices on how aging and disability network agencies, Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs), and Veteran Benefits Offices in seven states have forged partnerships to better support Veterans in community living. The paper includes a checklist for these local organizations to enhance collaboration and truly create a “no wrong door” for Veterans and their family caregivers to receive services in the community.

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Emerging Innovations in Managed Long-Term Services and Supports for Family Caregivers

This paper provides direct insights from managed care leaders about family caregiver supports and provides examples of how progressive managed care plans are supporting family caregivers who are caring for plan members with LTSS needs. The paper discusses how it is important to understand and address family caregivers’ roles and their needs in order to have a high-performing LTSS system, because the family provides the lion’s share of LTSS to people who need help.

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Corporate Stakeholder Engagement, Metrics, and Reporting: Aligning corporations and stakeholders to advance global citizenship

This article outlines a three-phase stakeholder engagement process. Phase three is described as stakeholder engagement, which includes measuring and monitoring results. See the section on phase three for more information.

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2017 National Employment & Disability Survey Supervisor Perspectives

This survey explored the workplace experiences of supervisors, who are uniquely positioned to assess the processes and practices used by American employers to recruit and hire employees with and without disabilities. Results show that supervisors are striving to recruit, hire, train, and retain people with disabilities in their organizations. The survey identifies effective processes and practices that employers use to employ people with disabilities.

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