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RSA: Promising Practices for Basic VR Agencies Helping Transition Age Youth

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) monitored 23 state vocational rehabilitation agencies in fiscal year 2007. These agencies, their stakeholders, and RSA identified promising practices that promote youth with disabilities transitioning from school to employment. Summaries of these practices are on the U.S. Department of Education’s website and include examples of leveraging resources, college and career preparation programs, and collaboration and partnerships among other practices.

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Funding and Service Recommendations for Transitioning Older Adults: An Examination of Illinois’ Money Management Participants

This report from the Illinois RCSC Rebalancing Grant, quantifies the actual expenses faced by older residents living in the community and applies it to those living in a nursing home seeking reintegration to community living. Furthermore, it hopes to identify a floor of income required to sustain community residency. The analysis should be helpful in formulating system changes for programs including eligibility standards and policies.

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Empowerment for Americans with Disabilities: Breaking Barriers to Careers and Full Employment

This report reviews issues integral to the employment of people with disabilities. It has two broad aims: 1) to summarize existing knowledge regarding employment of people with disabilities; and 2) to present new information on the perspectives of employers, people with disabilities, and disability specialists on key barriers and facilitators of employment. The National Council on Disability offers recommendations to supplement best practices and existing public policies and initiatives.

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Supporting Transitions for EPSDT Eligible Children in Foster Care with Emotionally Based Problems in the District of Columbia

The focus of this grant is youth in the child welfare system ages 15–21 years with significant emotionally based problems. The goal to ensure that the “aging out” foster youth, transition into adult support and services smoothly and appropriately - focusing on the youth’s choice of living environment, provider of service, and quality care. The project was funded Sept. 2004-Sept. 2007. Review the projects goals, activities, status, core elements, gains and challenges, and steps to moving forward.

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Massachusetts C-PASS Evaluation Report and Coordinating Council Self-Evaluation Report

Two different reports assessed the MA C-PASS activities. First, an independent evaluation of the goals and accomplishment, information gathered from structured interviews. The second report is a ‘self-evaluation’ from the Coordinating Council who evaluated their own performance. Review the findings on self-determination, the planning process, the barriers encountered and goals achieved.

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CPASS and Consumer Direction Hawaii Website

This site was created to support self-advocates and their communities to participate in Statewide personal assistance service systems change, promoting consumer-directed service models through community councils and customized training and technical assistance. The list of tools includes CPASS Business such as the calendar and newsletter as well as Consumer Direction & CPASS Resources and Training materials (Self-Advocacy and Personal Assistance Handbooks, Service Models, Support Brokerage).

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The Impact of Premium Changes on CommonHealth-Working Enrollment

In 2003, Massachusetts substantially increased premiums charged to enrollees in its CommonHealth-Working (CH-W) program. This study evaluates the impact of the premium change on enrollment. Findings indicate the premium increase had a small, but statistically significant impact on program exits. Key factors as to why the CH-W experience differs from other state programs experiencing similar enrollment declines are discussed. A report and presentation of the study are included.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2002 Nursing Facility Transition Grantees: Final Report

This report describes the enduring changes brought about by the NFT Grantees who either established or improved nursing facility transition programs or helped establish infrastructure. This two-part paper first examines changes and remaining challenges, lessons learned and recommendations, and later provides state-specific summaries. Review grantee activities including new statutes, policies, funding and expense changes, plus outreach and technical materials developed to facilitate transition.

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Summary of ADRC Semi-Annual Report Consumer Satisfaction Information Spring 2007

Grantees are required to establish measurable performance goals for their programs as well as indicators that enable them to track progress. Relating to consumer and client satisfaction with services, it is important that established goals assess visibility, trust, ease of access and responsiveness of program functions and staff. This summary contains findings of ADRCs assessments of consumer satisfaction relating to performance indicators and reported in the semi-annual report.

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