Promising practices

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Strengthening Long-Term Services and Supports: A Tool to Assess and Improve Medicaid Managed Care

This tool promotes consumer-focused MLTSS by making it easier to identify weaknesses and promote better practices. The tool combines a checklist for assessing MLTSS with examples of practices, policies or contract language that implement the criteria.

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Leveraging New Rules to Advance New Opportunities: Implications of the Rehabilitation Act Section 503 New Rules for Employment Service Providers

The supports and resources around the Section 503 new rules are mainly directed toward employers who are federal contractors. Yet, these new rules could also have significant impacts on employment service providers (ESPs) who work with individuals with disabilities, offering new opportunities for them to build partnerships, expand services, and create talent pipelines. The purpose of this article is to enable ESPs to prepare for the implementation of the new Section 503 rules.

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Innovations in Home- and Community-Based Services: Highlights from a Review of Services Available to Money Follows the Person Participants

The report features select qualified, demonstration, and supplemental services that seem particularly innovating and promising. The MFP grant program allows states to test and implement innovative services without the restrictions of a waiver. This report provides illustrative examples of how states are taking advantage of this flexibility, particularly in the areas of pre-transition and short-term services.

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Care at Hand: Service Delivery Innovation Profile

Supported by mobile technology, trained health coaches at Elder Services of Merrimack Valley (an AAA in Northeastern Massachusetts) visit recently discharged Medicare patients in their homes and monitor them via telephone to identify and address declines in health status that increase the risk of readmission. Review the AHRQ study that gave the program a moderate evidence rating for improving outcomes, decreasing cost of care.

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Self-Employment for People with Disabilities

Self-employment has long been an option for individuals seeking a new or better career. And today, many individuals with disabilities are turning to the flexibility self-employment offers in assisting them to meet both professional and financial goals. This report is intended to help policy makers, workforce development professionals and people with disabilities view self-employment as a viable source of income for people with disabilities. Review the final report of the START-UP initiative.

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Participant-Directed Services In Managed Long-Term Services And Supports Programs: A Five State Comparison

At the beginning of 2013, 16 states had Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) plans, with mandatory or voluntary enrollment. Target populations varied by state. In 13 states, MLTSS plan members were afforded the choice to participant-direct (PD) at least some HCBS services. Based on 5 in-depth state case studies expectations regarding availability and take-up of PD services in MLTSS varied as did methods of communicating expectations. PD varied from 1.2% in AZ to 24% in NM.

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Promising Practices: Managing the Care of People with Disabilities

The goal of this paper is to identify programs around the country associated with serving and coordinating the care of individuals with disabilities. CHPR conducted a literature search, a series of interviews with national experts, & a review of 6 promising practices. Included in the review: planning; implementation; eligibility; funding and authority; contracting; delivery system and services offered; care management and care coordination processes; evaluation and outcomes; and replication.

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Summary of CMS Guidance on Managed Long-Term Services and Supports

This summary draws attention to some of the most important aspects of CMS’s recently released guidance for states and stakeholders on the use of managed care for long-term services and supports (MLTSS) as well as transitioning LTSS providers into managed care systems and developing MLTSS programs. CMS identified 10 important elements that should be incorporated into managed LTSS and this document can assist consumers and their representatives in understanding these elements.

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Characteristics and Service Use of Medicaid Buy-In Participants with Higher Incomes: A Descriptive Analysis

Few employer-sponsored and private insurance plans offer the range of services that workers with disabilities may need. Medicaid Buy-In programs are a viable option that allows these workers to receive needed services without spending down for Medicaid. This report describes findings from a study of characteristics and service utilization of higher-income enrollees compared to regular Medicaid enrollees. Providing these programs may keep higher-income workers with disabilities employed.

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Care Management for Medicaid Enrollees Through Community Health Teams

The effective management of patients' complex illnesses across providers, settings, and systems places extraordinary demands on primary care providers, especially those that work in resource-limited small or rural practices. This issue brief identifies eight states that have adopted strategies to build practice capacity to care for high-need Medicaid beneficiaries through the development of community health teams and reports early data to inform other states thinking about this model of care.

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