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Social Engagement for Older Adults, People with Disabilities and Caregivers During COVID-19

The EngAGED National Resource Center has released this data brief summarizing a survey of organizations within the aging network to see what social engagement programs were offered during the COVID-19 pandemic to older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72950

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Pandemic-Related Hunger Among Older Adults Is Here to Stay

NCOA and the Leading Age LTSS Center at UMass Boston released two issue briefs exploring the effects of pandemic-related food insecurity among older adults. The findings highlight the positive impact of SNAP in reducing food insecurity and call on the need for SNAP benefits provided by the American Rescue Plan to be permanent and consider increased food costs moving forward.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72924

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State Efforts to Integrate Care Across Medicaid Fee-for-Service Long-Term Services and Supports and Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans

This publication from Health Management Associates analyzes the approaches that Medicaid programs in DC, Idaho, Maine, Washington and Alabama used to coordinate Medicare and Medicaid services without standalone Medicaid MLTSS programs. The paper focuses on Medicaid and Aging agencies overseeing programs that provide long-term services and supports fee for service and explores effective methods to coordinate and integrate care with Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72773

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Addressing the emerging crisis of aged homelessness

Wellsky has published a paper detailing how proactive action by states, health systems, and communities can reduce the number of seniors experiencing homelessness. The paper discusses the following topics: why skyrocketing senior homelessness is virtually inevitable in the coming years; how health and human services in your state or community will be affected; and what actions can best help specific segments of the senior homeless population.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72743

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An Exploration of State-Sponsored Home Care Aide Training Approaches

This new LTSS Center research brief, released on June 22, 2021, focuses on the lack of adequate training and preparation of professional caregivers and makes recommendations for implementing standardized, competency-based training programs for home care aides. The brief is based on a study by the LTSS Center and the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72706

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Unprecedented Opportunities to Achieve the Promise of Olmstead

On June 22, 1999, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Olmstead v L.C., delcaring that people with disabilities have a civil right under the Americans with Disabilities Act to live and fully participate in their communities. ACL's Acting Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging, Alison Barkoff, released a blog post on June 22, 2021 disucssing the significance of this ruling and the importance of expanding our HCBS system following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72704

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Investing in Caregivers: An Essential Resource for our Nation

RRF Foundation for Aging has released an issue brief on investing in caregiving. More than 53 million people are family caregivers who provide essential support to older adults. Estimates suggest that the care they provide is worth nearly half a trillion dollars, making caregivers the nation’s largest healthcare workforce. This brief provides an overview of the key issues around caregiver support and describes the work the foundation is funding to address these issues.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72641

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Multimodal Pain Management: Considerations for Clinicians Treating Pain

Dual eligibles for Medicare and Medicaid have higher levels of chronic pain and use prescription opioids to treat pain more often than those eligible for Medicare only, putting them at a higher risk for opioid misuse or addiction. This brief presents examples of multimodal pain management options that clinicians can consider for treating pain among dually eligible individuals. The resource describes various treatment options, key evidence, and prescribing considerations for each option.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/72631


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