Fact Sheets

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Florida Medicaid Waiver: Key Program Changes and Issues

In October 2005, CMS approved a Section 1115 waiver, allowing fundamental changes in their program. This fact sheet summarizes the main themes of Florida's Medicaid waiver and discusses key issues for consideration in assessing the waiver's impact. The state is looking to increase personal responsibility, market competition, and participation in private coverage.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50793

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State Medicaid Fact Sheets Online Tool

This new interactive online tool provides the latest key data for each state’s Medicaid program and the population it serves, allowing for easy comparisons of one state to any other state or to the nation as a whole, on a selection of important indicators. Utilizing figures from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and drawn directly from statehealthfacts.org, this tool provides customized figures and tables that can be easily printed as fact sheets, emailed or saved.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50772

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New York’s Family to Family Health Care Brochures and Fact Sheets

New York’s Family to Family Real Choice Grantee, Parent to Parent has compiled a group of publications to assist families with children with special health care needs in understanding the complex system naviagate. Titles include: Understanding Health Insurance, Prescription Tips From Parents, Financial Aid, Researching Health Care Information on the Internet, Selecting a Doctor, Section 504 Fact Sheet, Understanding Medicaid and Tips For Handling Medical Appointments.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50762

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Family Caregiver Support Services: Sustaining Unpaid Family and Friends in a Time of Public Fiscal Constraint

This AARP Public Policy Institute fact sheet and report outlines the need for publicly funded respite services for family caregivers and describes the types available. The research concludes that publicly funded caregiver support programs play an important role in sustaining and strengthening the unpaid, informal care provided by families.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50733

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Updated Regulations For Power Wheelchair And Power Operated Vehicle Claims

CMS announced that a certificate of medical necessity is no longer required for power wheelchair and power operated vehicle claims. This is another step to streamline and ensure appropriate access for people with Medicare to power operated vehicles. In an interim final rule with opportunity to comment that went on display at the Federal Register, CMS clarified the requirements for prescribing, supplying, and receiving payment for these vehicles. Review the interim final rule and fact sheet.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/50701

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