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Readiness Assessment Tool

This readiness assessment tool guides your organization through the process of successfully preparing for, securing and maintaining partnerships with the health care sector, allowing your organization to assess the current readiness of your organization, while also providing a framework and resources for navigating the process successfully. Your organization will benefit most by completing this assessment tool as an organization, rather than individually.

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National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging 2017

A national survey of Area Agencies on Aging is conducted every two to three years. The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) has released their 2017 survey report. They surveyed 622 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), with 412 completing the survey, to discover what services they commonly offer, how AAAs address funding, and what their policy priorities are.

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Guardianship Laws and Durable Powers of Attorney: 2013 ADvancing States Survey results

In January of 2013, ADvancing States sent a survey to its members and a list of long-term care contacts in the states seeking information about guardianship laws and practices and about how states assure appropriate use of durable powers of attorney. Review the results from the 20 states who responded.

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Two-Thirds of States Integrating Medicare and Medicaid Services for Dual Eligibles

New research from AARP and ADvancing States finds that two-thirds of states either have or will launch new initiatives to better coordinate care for people who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid services over the next two years. To contain the growth of costs and improve care, many are moving to risk-based managed long-term services and supports models. This research finds that a number of states are exploring approaches to dual services integration outside of the CMS models.

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Mental Health Programming for Seniors and People with Disabilities: 2013 Survey Results

In January of 2013, ADvancing States sent a survey to its members and a list of long-term care contacts in the states asking how/where they are serving individuals with these complications and what services have been most effective. The survey is at the request of a ADvancing States member that works closely with their mental health program staff to serve individuals who are eligible for both mental health and aging/disability programming.

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The Use of Volunteers in State Agencies on Aging and Disabilities

The ADvancing States assessment of the AoA funded project to develop a national volunteer resource center to enhance engagement of volunteers in the Aging Network, especially Baby Boomers, consisted of an online scan and three follow-up conference calls with program directors. The results are synthesized in an overall brief and separated by program: Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP), State Health Insurance Programs (SHIP), and Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman programs.

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President’s Budget Proposal Fiscal Year 2013

President Obama’s proposed budget outlines the Administration’s fiscal and program priorities for FY13. ADvancing States’s preliminary analysis is framed by an interest in aging and disability program funding. The analysis reveals the proposal’s requests for food and nutrition services, independent living, caregiver support, protection of vulnerable adults, and Medicare and Medicaid. The accompanying chart shows the President’s FY12 and FY13 requests for relevant aging and disability programs.

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Administration on Aging Older Americans Act Reauthorization

The AoA reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 2011 was preceded by a series of listening sessions and online input forums representing thousands of consumers of OAA services. This document provides a summary of some of the common input received during this process. Some of the consistent views on OAA services were broad while others were more specific, e.g. expanding Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) services to all nursing home residents regardless of age.

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