Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Developing an MFP Housing Strategy – Presentation

First given during a teleconference for Money Follows the Person (MFP) grantees, this presentation reviews the current housing market and challenges to creating new affordable, accessible, and integrated housing units. Also provided is a case study from Maryland and the key areas of housing strategy: assessment of finance and policy; partnerships; and short- and long-term goals.

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Budget Options Volume I: Health Care

The Congressional Budget Office examines the likely effects on federal spending of 115 health care reform options. Ch. 8 covers proposals on financing Medicaid and SCHIP and Ch. 10 covers long-term care options. HCBS-related options include: allowing all states to offer HCBS via Medicaid state plan amendments (#99); making HCBS a mandatory benefit (#100); and adjusting federal match rates to favor HCBS over nursing homes (#101). Also included is a presentation on the findings of the report.

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Training Caregivers for Older Adults in the Home: A Search for Curricula

What curricula are used to train paid and unpaid individuals caring for older adults in the home? The authors conducted a 4-month search to identify and categorize existing curricula nationwide. It was used as a discussion primer for a March 2007 conference that sought to discuss specialized vs. comprehensive training models, standards, and possible credentialing for caregivers and training programs. Contact information for the curricula discussed is provided.

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NASHP's 2008 State Health Policy Conference Presentations: Charting a Course for State Health Policy

Presentations from NASHP’s 21st annual state health policy conference are now available. The conference is planned by state health policymakers for state agencies' staff, legislators, and legislative staff. Review the presentations to learn how others are improving and innovating healthcare through state-level policy.

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State of the Science: Professional Partners Supporting Family Caregiving

A symposium was held in January, 2008 to help the nursing and social work professions collaborate to support family caregivers. This report springs from that event. Participants explored caregiver demographics and challenges. It also identifies competency areas, best practices and support strategies for professional partners, as well as priorities for future research in the area.

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2008 Reinventing Quality Conference – Presentation Materials

This annual conference focuses on quality of services for people with developmental disabilities. Held Aug. 10-12 in Baltimore, this year’s conference featured agencies that have implemented person-centered planning and individualized support structures. One highlight was individuals who have developed their own micro-enterprises. In addition, innovations in policies, systems issues, and quality assurance methodologies were presented.

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Family Care Self-Directed Supports – Wisconsin

Wisconsin used MIG funds to increase self-directed supports within a managed care framework in their state. Find here a set of policy recommendations used for setting the stage for this effort as well as a qualitative study outlining the implementation process. There are also several presentations focused on training support workers to understand and facilitate self-direction, using Cash & Counseling to support employment, and helping people with traumatic brain injuries return to work.

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