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Transportation Update: Where We've Gone and What We've Learned

In 2005, the National Council on Disability published "The Current State of Transportation For People With Disabilities in the United States," a major transportation overview report. This report examines what has changed since the writing of the previous report. The report focuses on surface transportation and addresses accessibility-related progress as well as problems. The report also makes recommendations to Congress and the Executive Branch designed to improve federal collaborative efforts.

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Creating An Age-Advanced Community: A Toolkit for Building Intergenerational Communities that Recognize, Engage, and Support All Ages

Generations United has developed a series of tools to help communities develop intergenerational best practices. This publication compiles some of these tools including: planning tips from across the United States, inspiring stories from award winning communities, engagement and development scales to assess programs, self-administered community assessment, and an infographic on why intergenerational solutions are critical to building strong communities.

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Expanding Specialized Transportation: New Opportunities under the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides new but limited opportunities to promote or fund specialized transportation services for older people and adults with disabilities. This paper explains how states can use these largely untapped options to expand services for targeted low-income populations with mobility needs. It also presents two case studies illustrating how the Atlanta region and the state of Connecticut are making this work.

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Fulfilling the Promise: Overcoming Persistent Barriers to Economic Self-Sufficiency for People with Disabilities

This report shares findings from an investigation with 400 people with disabilities who have experienced poverty. Their experiences identified six major factors that limit the ability of people with disabilities to gain employment and contribute to a disproportionate number living in poverty.

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Beyond Driving with Dignity: Program & Workbook

This training and certification program has been designed to arm certain professionals with tools necessary to help older drivers and their families work through the complicated issue of age-related diminishing driving skills. The training and certification program supplements your current professional skills and life experiences with a very pro-active, targeted program that will help older drivers and their loved ones work through a retirement from driving.

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Deficit Reduction and the Debt Ceiling

The debate surrounding the deficit reduction and the debt ceiling for FY 2012 has many implications for aging and disability policies, especially Older Americans Act (OAA) services. This brief outlines the current negotiations and proposals put forth to reach a long-term, bipartisan budget reduction agreement, including the McConnell Plan; the McConnell-Reid Plan; the Gang of Six; the Coburn Plan; and the Senate Budget Resolution. The Congressional Appropriations process is also discussed.

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Analysis of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

Bowles and Simpson, the co-chairs of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform drafted their recommendations to achieve fiscal sustainability. This analysis provides an overview of the commission’s formation, its structure and recommendations, and its potential impact on the aging and disability networks. The report’s legislative recommendations have implications for Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS), and more.

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State Plan on Aging for FY 2010- FY 2012

This document describes the State of Illinois’s plan on aging in accordance to Older Americans Act guidelines. The plan describes the mission, organization, and strategies of Illinois’s Department on Aging to coordinate services for older adults. Amongst some of the goals for FY10-12 is to rebalance long-term care to expand home and community-based services, expand transportation for seniors, promote wellness, and advocate for and protect elder rights.

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Weaving It Together: A Tapestry of Transportation Funding for Older Adults

This report provides insight into how transportation services for older adults and persons with disabilities are funded. With a growing population in need of transportation and limited funds for these services, providers need to creatively leverage existing and untapped funding sources to fill gaps in service. Coordination of these limited resources is also key and must be supported by providers and all levels of government. Learn major sources of federal funding that providers can tap into.

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Travel Behavior and Mobility of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Evidence from the National Household Travel Survey

Using data from the National Household Travel Survey, the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center has released a report that examines the travel behavior and mobility of older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and people in rural areas. NHTS data on driving, mode choice, use of public transportation, and issues and concerns regarding transportation are highlighted.

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