Resource Center

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South Carolina Access Plus Survey Tools

The South Carolina ADRC also known as South Carolina Access Plus has developed a number of checklists and surveys to evaluate a variety of program outcomes. The Access Training is an introduction to the program. The Customer Service Training assesses staff opinion on customer service training sessions. The Level Outcome Checklist assesses staff opinion on how well the program is achieving systems-level outcomes. The Progress Checklist assesses staff opinion on collaborating with stakeholders.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Initiative: Streamlining Access to Long Term Care

This presentation from the November 2004 Gerontological Society of America Conference discusses how the ADRC Iniative will develop a national framework for and implement a single point of entry system in states that will help streamline access to long-term care.

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Promising Practices: Engaging Physicians…Supporting Family Caregivers

This report is designed to help Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Title VI–Native American aging programs share their success stories about an innovative physician outreach program, Making the Link: Connecting Caregivers with Services through Physicians. The practices highlighted can have widespread application, the strategies can be adapted by other community-based organizations and AAAs, Title VI programs will find ideas that can be applied to workforce, PTAs, and other venues.

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Louisianaanswers: The Louisiana ADRC Website, Marketing Materials and Evaluation

The following documents provide an overview of the Louisiana ADRC called the Louisiana Aging and Disability Information Station. The first document outlines how advisory board members can market the program including the Louisiana ADRC Web site, There is also a report that provides a step by step narrative of the approach to marketing and lastly the status report on the ADRC program covers the period from August 1, 2004 to September 30, 2004.

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Senior LinkAge Line Website and Program Survey Tools

Senior LinkAge Line is a free telephone information and assistance service which makes it easy for older adults and their families to find community services. With a single call, families can find particular or get help evaluating the situation and to determine what kind of service might be helpful. The ADRC grant project has shared their survey tools for both the Call Center and One-on-One Assistance.

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ServiceLink: Program Resources and Website

ServiceLink is a NH statewide network of 13 regional offices & 50 satellites offices locally-administered, community-based resources for seniors, adults with disabilities and their families. Attached are the ADRCs program materials: overview presentation, evaluation framework, marketing plan, evaluation presentation, and customer satisfaction survey

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Planning for the Future: A Guidebook to Being Prepared

This guidebook/workbook is designed to help caregivers work with their families to share information, get organized and plan for the future. The packet includes lots of important information to help families become, and stay, organized and informed, keeping much-needed information available for quick, organized access. Much of the information is about healthcare and medical records as well as other important numbers for bank accounts, real estate holdings, property titles, and service providers.

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers: One Contact for Easy to Access Long-Term Support Services

This article was prepared for the TASH Connections newsletter and it highlights the ADRC initiative. Aging and Disability Resource Centers, or “Resource Centers”, are designed to reduce the confusion often experienced in the search for appropriate long-term community supports. The three-year Resource Center grants given to 24 states are part of the New Freedom Initiative aimed at overcoming barriers to community living for people with disabilities of all ages.

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Florida Statewide Quality Assurance Program (FSQAP)Website

The Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care assists the State of Florida in improving the quality of care for Florida citizens with developmental disabilities. This website is one part of our Fl Quality Assurance Program & includes: Resource Center with training and information opportunities for providers, consumers, family members and other stakeholders; Waiver Support Coordination Consultation (WiSCC) Tool for DD; Collaborative Outcomes Review and Enhancement Review (CORE) Protocol also for DD.

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