Consumer/Participant Direction

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A Comparison of State Housing Locator Web Sites

A number of states have developed rental housing locators that allow online searches for affordable housing units. These sites range from bare-bones databases of state-financed developments to elaborate sites with multiple search criteria, extensive information about accessibility for persons with disabilities, current vacancy information, and links to local service agencies. This report reviews several web-based sites based on several factors and compares the findings.

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Consumer-Directed Options

In consumer-directed care, few state aging networks have been more involved than Vermont. For the past 20 years, Vermont has undertaken considerable effort developing its consumer-directed approach to health and long-term care, including significant supports to consumers and their families who choose to participate in consumer-directed programs. This report is one of 5 in a series called Case Studies from the Aging Network: Health and Social Support Systems Integration.

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Introduction to Communication Boards Designed for the Transition Process

This guide was created as a resource to help you learn more about communication boards and how/when to use them. The boards in this kit were designed for a specific communication interaction, an intake interview to consider transition of an individual out of a nursing home. This handout provides a brief summary of the communication boards provided and some background information for you as you use the boards.

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Indiana Automated Case Management Software RFP

The Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA) released an RFP for a statewide-automated case management system that included case management, overall tracking & control of cases, person centered planning to formulate & monitor individually centered plans of service, management & control of provider claims, direct linkage to all state systems, outcome-related information, waiting list management to track unmet demands by type of service and individual, & electronic billing to include Medicaid.

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Florida Policy Exchange Center for Aging Policy Report and Website

FPECA is a type I Research Center, charged by the Florida Board of Regents to inform policymakers, media representative, scholars, and advocates on policies, programs, and services for older adults. Available on the site: Florida Training Academy on Aging, State Data Center on Aging, Task Force on the Availability and Affordability of Long-Term Care. FPECA produced reports and a periodic journal, Aging Research and Policy Report.

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States Experiences Implementing Consumer-Directed Home & Community Services: Results of the 2004 Survey of State Administrators, Opinion Survey & Telephone Interviews

The report contains findings from a 2004 survey of state administrators, an opinion survey, and telephone interviews, and responds to the questions: To what extent have consumer-directed home and community based services for older people taken root across the country? What are the characteristics of these programs and how do state aging administrators view consumer-directed programs working in their state? Report findings document the scope and characteristics of consumer-directed services.

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Consumer-Directed Home Care: Effects on Family Caregivers

This brief describes currently available opportunities for consumer direction of care in public programs and private insurance plans, including opportunities for family caregivers to take on roles as representative decision-makers and paid caregivers. Includes recent findings from “Cash and Counseling” demonstrations and assesses prospects for expansion of consumer-directed alternatives to traditional modes of financing and service delivery.

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Personal Support and Safety Plan Worksheet

This is an example of a personal support and safety plan. This document can be used with clients to determine what they hope to accomplish, design a people map and outline important and positive characteristics about themselves. The plan then focuses on support and what others need to know to provide assistance. Lastly, the plan address what is happening in life (ups and downs) and forms an action plan.

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Promoting Self-Determination for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities through Self-Directed Services

This paper subtitled: A Look at Federal, State and Public Systems as Sources of Cash-Outs and Other Fiscal Expansion Opportunities, examines promising interconnections between the concepts of recovery, self-determination, and self-directed care. It reviews the five principles of self-direction and explores the major systems that can serve as sources of cash-out funding. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations for next steps in adopting this mental health care financing mechanism.

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