Consumer/Participant Direction

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Starting Financial Management Services in CLP and VD-HCBS: Strategic Considerations – TA Call Resources

Listen to a recording of a webinar presenting strategies for program administrators to consider as they determine how to provide FMS in their Community Living and Veteran Directed programs. Topics include how to decide on a model of FMS, whether to contract for Financial Management Services, provide them "in-house" at the AAA, or use a hybrid approach. Accompanying tip sheets and documents are included.

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Veteran Directed Home Services Program - Washington

Looking to develop guidance materials for veterans participating in a VD-HCBS program? Here are samples from Washington’s program, including a handbook with information on meeting program staff, developing a spending plan and working with FMS. Also find a Policy & Procedure Handbook including an overview of the program, desired outcomes, eligibility, referral procedures, forms and protocols for assessment, enrollment and reimbursement.

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Self-Advocate Leadership Network – Website

Looking for an organization that provides training and resources for self-advocates? This network’s goal is to prepare self-advocates for leadership roles in guiding developmental disabilities systems change in ways that promote self-determination, community integration and participant-driven supports. The organization developed “My Voice, My Choice,” a curriculum described in detail on the website, which also includes toolkits, training opportunities and more.

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Request For Information – NRCPDS Innovations Grants

The NRCPDS is seeking information to determine which innovative ideas beyond the basic service model (Cash & Counseling) offers sufficient promise to be funded as 18 month Innovation Grants. Priority categories are: 1) Managed Care and PD, 2) Agency with Choice PD, and 3) Peer to Peer Support Models in PD. Applicants with another category that they consider an innovative advancement to a C&C program model are also invited to apply. Due date is July 1, 2010.

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CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter – Community Living Initiative

This letter was issued to provide information on new tools for community integration and to remind States of existing tools that remain strong resources in their efforts to support community living. Various technical assistance resources are listed, including a new guide for enhancing the availability of HCBS within managed care delivery systems. Progress around the HUD partnership, HCBS waiver and state plan options, grant programs, ADRCs and discharge planning are discussed as well.

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Overview of the Community First Choice Option

Find a chart that summarizes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Community First Choice Option. This legislation amends 1915 of the Social Security Act to allow States to provide “Community-Based Attendant Services and Supports”. Information regarding financing, eligibility, scope of services, system design, quality management, evaluation and stakeholder involvement are included.

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In-Home Supportive Services Program: Considering the State Costs and Benefits

What is the net fiscal impact of the IHSS Program on the public sector? The program, which is available to low-income elderly and disabled persons, provides services to recipients in their own homes and can enhance quality of life by making it easier to live at home. This report concludes that the state maximizes its net fiscal impact by targeting IHSS services to those recipients who are most likely to enter a nursing home in the absence of the program.

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IRIS: Include, Respect, I Self-Direct – Wisconsin

Check out a long term care option that allows individuals more choice, control, and freedom in designing their support and service plans to meet functional, vocational, medical and social needs. Consumers manage their goods and services, and may use the program to remain in their community and avoid moving into a nursing home or an institution. Explore IRIS's website and brochure.

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Facilitating Consumer Leadership in Service Systems

Are you looking for a toolkit that provides practical guidelines, recommendations and checklists to enhance the capacity to create and sustain partnerships with individuals with disabilities? This toolkit presents ideas, techniques and mechanisms that may be useful to state policymakers in developing and establishing working partnerships with consumers.

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