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Principles of Adult Learning Audio Teleconference

This teleconference is designed to assist grantees that are preparing new curricula for trainings and other activities or who are engaged in the effective communication of information. Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich is the presenter for this teleconference, and she is an Association Professor in the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, where she teaches social work with elders, social work practice, and methods in professional education.

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Promising Practices in Long Term Care Systems Reform: Colorado’s Single Entry Point System

This 20-page document illustrates the evolution of Colorado's Single Entry Point(SEP) System. The report provides information about the system's expansion, stakeholder involvement and the responsibilities of the SEP's. It gives detailed information on person centered services, facilitating individuals' access to needed supports and reports on options.

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Community Living Brief: Consumer/Survivor-Operated Mental Health Services

This Community Living Brief addresses the issue of consumer/survivor–operated programs and how they have had a significant impact on the delivery of mental health services in this country. The central values of consumer-operated services (empowerment, choice, and to a growing extent, self-determination) now are recognized within the traditional mental health system. At a systems level, consumers/survivors have a formal and recognized voice in planning, implementation, and research.

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Exisiting Policy Barriers to Full Inclusion in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Results of an Opinion Research Questionnaire in the Norther Mariana Islands. One hundred eighteen government and community organizations in Saipan, Tinian and Rota were surveyed to identify issues and solicit recommendations to remove policy barriers identified by the respondents.

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