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Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Needs Assessment in Missouri

The Institute for Human Development at the University of Missouri-Kansas City is administering the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) to enhance the use of Medicaid resources in Missouri. This report provides a review of research and the activities and findings related to a retreat to assess needs of Missouri employers and people with disabilities. It also provides analysis of a follow-up survey of 153 agency providers and people with disabilities. Suggestions are made for future research.

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Funding Sources Successfully Used by States to Support Development of Integrated, Affordable, and Accessible Community Housing

This guide offers a quick reference on housing resources that can be used to create integrated, affordable, and accessible housing and basic information on how to use these resources. Including community strategies that increase the amount of integrated, affordable, and accessible housing units that usually fall into three general categories: development of housing units; access to existing housing units; and asset development.

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Increasing Opportunities for Workers with Disabilities in Maine

The CHOICES CEO (Comprehensive Employment Opportunities) online newsletter, Working Together, focuses on Maine’s efforts to increase work opportunities for people with disabilities. Additionally, a brochure on MaineCare, a health insurance program for people with disabilities in Maine, includes information on benefits, qualifications, and local resources for the MaineCare option.

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Strategic Plan to Maximize Employment for People with Disabilities - Maine

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Labor worked with a coalition from public and private sectors to recommend steps to support people with disabilities who work, or who wish to work. The full and abridged reports identify information on resources, opportunities, and short- and long-term activities to increase the number of workers with disabilities. Additionally, key findings for the MaineCare Workers with Disabilities Option are available in the Reader’s Guide.

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Personal Assistance Services (PAS) Facts: Volume 1

This fact sheet offers a short overview and history of Personal Assistance Services (PAS) as they developed out of institutional based services to community-based services and discusses some key pieces of legislation that impact the utilization of these services. The article also highlights promising practices, including self-directed PAS services and PAS at the workplace.

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Empowerment for Americans with Disabilities: Breaking Barriers to Careers and Full Employment

This report reviews issues integral to the employment of people with disabilities. It has two broad aims: 1) to summarize existing knowledge regarding employment of people with disabilities; and 2) to present new information on the perspectives of employers, people with disabilities, and disability specialists on key barriers and facilitators of employment. The National Council on Disability offers recommendations to supplement best practices and existing public policies and initiatives.

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The federal government's one-stop Web site for people with disabilities, their families, employers, veterans and service members, workforce professionals and many others. The site connects people to information and resources needed to actively participate in the workforce and in their communities. Topics covered on the site include: benefits; civil rights; community life; education; emergency preparedness; employment; health; housing; technology; & transportation.

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Benefits Counseling for a Brighter Future

The Virginia MIG grantees have developed this resource guide for transition practitioners. The manual explains Benefits Counseling and how it serves as a valuable resource for students, parents/guardians, and families to get help in optimizing needed benefits and begin planning toward a future that includes employment, earnings, self-sufficiency, and SSA benefits, if needed.

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Assessing the Barriers to Community Living: Accessible Housing in a Rural State

This statewide community-based participatory action research study was conducted to identify opportunities and barriers for persons with disabilities in obtaining accessible, affordable housing in West Virginia. Using surveys and a facilitated group technique, persons with disabilities identified existing barriers and developed a set of questions for housing industry professionals. This article was published in \"Housing and Society\" the journal of the Housing Education and Research Association.

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From Here to There...The Self-Advocacy Handbook

This unique and innovative handbook is a guide for educators, providers, support people and/or family members to use as they work closely with youth and adults with significant disabilities, mentoring them as they develop and practice self-advocacy skills that will promote the highest level of independence and success in life activities.

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