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Rhodes to Independence – Rhode Island MIG Resources

In 2000, Rhode Island launched an initiative called “Rhodes to Independence” (RTI) to promote systems changes that reduce barriers to employment. RTI focuses on health care, transportation, housing, youth transitions, and diversity. Below, find RTI’s 2005 annual report, a recruitment brochure for the RI Business Leadership Network, and brochures in English and Spanish advertising Sherlock, a health insurance program for employed people with disabilities.

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Getting There: Helping People with Mental Illnesses Access Transportation

This report examines common barriers that mental health consumers face in accessing transportation and provides emerging best practices for overcoming these barriers. Successful strategies include expanding access to existing public transit as well as providing specialized transportation. They encompass urban, suburban, and rural settings. The report also lists potential funding sources and recommendations for developing transportation initiatives.

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Succeeding in College and at Work: Students with Disabilities Tell Their Stories

Watch Danielle, Alexander, Valeska, and Santara share strategies they used as students with disabilities to successfully graduate from college and get jobs. They discuss their struggles with self-reporting their physical or mental disabilities and negotiating accommodations in school and at work. DVDs are available upon request.

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Finding the Gaps: A Comparative Analysis of Disability Laws in the United States to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

This analysis examines how U.S. federal laws may be affected if the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is ratified by the country. The authors summarize each CRPD article along with with U.S. laws that either guarantee the same rights or contradict the convention. The authors conclude that better implementation of existing laws or congressional action would bring federal law in line with CRPD.

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People with disabilities searching for jobs and employers looking for qualified workers can connect here for free. As with other employment sites, candidates can browse job listings and post their resumes. Likewise, employers can create recruitment profiles and post open positions. The site is national in scope but currently primarily shows listings in New Jersey.

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Opportunities for Creating Livable Communities

This paper outlines the most common barriers to implementing livable communities and outlines cases where these barriers were overcome using planning and zoning tools. Housing, transportation and mobility, land use, cooperation and communication, public involvement in community planning, and leadership are the components of livable communities that are addressed.

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Retooling for an Aging America: Building the Health Care Workforce

This book and corresponding materials present a strategy for improving the health care workforce serving older adults via expanded education and training, models of care, and public/private programs. The committee proposes a three-prong approach: 1)Enhance the geriatric competence of the entire workforce; 2)Increase the recruitment and retention of geriatric specialists and caregivers; 3)Improve the way care is delivered. The book is available free online or for sale in PDF or hard copy format.

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Employment for Persons with Brain Injuries

This report provides recommendations for persons with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to acquire and maintain employment in Oregon. Currently, the common program for people with TBI/ABI nationally is Vocational Rehabilitation. However, this report suggests expanding services by using a supported employment model with an interdisciplinary team. Major characteristics of this model include paid employment, integrated worksites and ongoing support.

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Benefits Incentives Planning Materials: Presentation and Board Game - Oregon

The process for providing persons with disabilities the information, advocacy and counseling necessary for them to best use public benefits and available work incentives to achieve their goals is referred to as benefits incentives planning. Find presentations on benefits planning system development and on encouraging collaboration of agencies to build a statewide, all-participant inclusive benefits planning system in Oregon. Also included is a colorful game board that introduces the concept.

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Discussion Paper: Advancing Self-Sufficiency for Medicaid Beneficiaries: Meeting the Challenges of the Olmstead Integration Mandate

For states that receive federal funding, the Olmstead decision confirmed the obligation to serve individuals with disabilities in more integrated settings rather than provide supports and services in institutional settings. As states move forward with strategies to support community living for individuals with disabilities and promote the principles of person-centered planning, these tools and strategies provide complimentary opportunities to accelerate the achievement of inclusive outcomes.

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