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ADRC Memorandum of Understanding with Partners - Washington

The Pierce County ADRC in Washington State uses this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with its partners to establish collaborative, mutual agreements. Included in the MOU are project descriptions, goals and services explanations, mutual agreement terms, including a requirement for cross-training, and confidentiality agreements.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51520

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Hospital-Based Nursing Facility Diversion Initiatives

In what ways can the hospital discharge process divert institutional placements or trigger follow-up during the initial weeks following a nursing facility admission? This paper is intended to help states, ADRC pilot sites, or other community organizations to evaluate their options for establishing a hospital-based diversion program and, where appropriate, take steps toward implementing a successful program.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51516

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2002 Real Choice Grantees and Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Services and Supports Grantees: Final Report

This report provides an overview of 33 states’ initiatives (FY02 CPASS and Real Choice Grantees) to improve their LTC systems and the enduring improvements achieved. It includes lessons learned and recommendations that can guide states that are undertaking similar initiatives. Grantees made enduring systems improvements in five major areas—many states in more. Virtually all agreed that prior to introducing new policies and programs, it is essential to obtain stakeholder buy-in and commitment.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51515

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National Consortium for Health Systems Development (NCHSD) Website

The NCHSD is a technical assistance partnership providing flexible, state-tailored technical assistance to states developing comprehensive health and employment service systems for people with disabilities who want to work. Serving people with disabilities, providers, state agencies, research institutes, advocates and businesses, NCHSD is a project of Health & Disability Advocates (HDA). Visit the Resource Exchange and Library for the latest information, events and reports.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51482

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Administration of Mental Health Services by Medicaid Agencies

This report provides a state-by-state analysis of how Medicaid agencies are exercising their responsibilities for mental health services. The report is based on telephone interviews and explores how state Medicaid agencies are addressing the organization, funding, policy, management and data issues that arise from increased responsibility for mental health services. Review the findings which indicated how States have taken varying approaches to providing services.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51471

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Washington Aging & Disability Resource Center E-Newsletter

An example of how ADRCs can stay connected, Washington uses a simple text-only format for their newsletter that is meant to bypass spam filters. The text also allows people to "rip-and-read" so they can easily take the information out to use in other settings. There are no attachments, as requested by the newsletter recipients. The newsletter is published monthly and features Local Happenings, National News, and Job Postings.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51468

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Expanding The “Registry” Concept: Creating Access To Care For Consumers & Employment For Care Workers

As part of the January 2008 Monthly ADRC TAE call, Dorie Seavey and Hollis Turnham presented the idea of worker registries. Supporting materials offer an overview of the concept and state examples. Also included is a two-page hand out that lists worker registry websites and offers and example of the database potential functionalities.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51467

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CMS Direct Service Workforce Demonstration Promising Practices in Marketing, Recruitment and Selection Interventions

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) initiated a demonstration project to improve the Direct Service Community Workforce to test the effectiveness of different workforce interventions on the retention and recruitment of Direct Service Workers (DSWs). This report identifies promising practices in direct service worker marketing, recruitment, and selection across the CMS grantees.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51457

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Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Programs: Data Update - Dec 2007

The national percentage of Medicaid spending on home and community-based services (HCBS) has more than doubled from 1992 to 2004. This report presents a summary of the main trends to emerge for the three Medicaid HCBS programs and the results of a survey of policies such as eligibility criteria and waiting lists.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51456


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