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State Insights on Refining Integrated Care for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries

This new brief, made possible by The Commonwealth Fund and The SCAN Foundation, highlights insights from states that are fine-tuning their integrated care programs. Formal evaluations of some integrated care programs are underway; however, until these results become available, the refinements made by states described in the brief -- all participants in the Implementing New Systems of Integration for Dually Eligible Enrollees (INSIDE) project.

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Key Consumer Provisions in the Dual Demonstrations: Findings from a Survey of ACAP Plans

The Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP) and Community Catalyst released an issue brief regarding the Financial Alignment Demonstrations. This issue brief discusses key findings from research on the demonstrations and proposes recommendations in two areas: operational or practice changes for health plans and program adjustments for policymakers.

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Managed Long-Term Services & Supports: A Proposed Framework

UnitedHealthcare Community & State released a White Paper unveiling a proposed quality framework for MLTSS programs. The framework, developed by UnitedHealthcare's National Advisory Board, extends beyond traditional clinical measures to measure the quality of the "services and supports" delivered in MTLSS, which is often most important for those accessing MLTSS benefits.

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The Duals Demonstration: A First Glimpse at Lessons Learned

Justice in Aging published an issue brief that offers an analysis of the findings from the evaluation of the Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI), commonly known as the dual eligible demonstration. Research Triangle Institute was contracted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to conduct this evaluation, which focused on the first six months of operation of the demonstration in each of the seven states where it was rolled out.

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The Impact of the Affordable Care Act: A 2015 Status Report

The National Council on Disability (NCD) released a new report on implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and disabilities. This is the second of three reports on the subject. This report includes a review of the literature that studies the impact of ACA implementation on people with disabilities, qualitative interviews with key informants from ten states, an analysis of the ACA implementation choices seen in many states, and recommendations for future research on this topic.

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Keeping Watch: Building State Capacity to Oversee Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports

The AARP Public Policy Institute published a report that examined what state Medicaid agencies need in order to effectively monitor the performance of managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs. Eight states with long-term experience operating and overseeing MLTSS were used to analyze monitoring capacities and develop promising practices. The states were: Arizona, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin.

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Dementia Care Coordination Workforce and Practices in Seven Duals Demonstration States

The University of California San Francisco published a report about dementia care coordination for duals populations with a specific look at the inadequate workforce of dementia-capable care coordinators.Currently, there are twelve states in the process of implementing demonstrations projects. This report examined three-way contracts from seven states that were selected for their expertise in care coordination.

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Celebrating 50 Years with 50+ Fabulous Older People

This year, the Older Americans Act (OAA) celebrates its 50th year—a golden jubilee for seniors and communities across the country. For this occasion, ADvancing States and Altarum Institute’s Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness (CECAI) honor outstanding older adults who both volunteer for and benefit from the law’s programs. This booklet highlights the myriad ways that seniors make the United States a great place in which to live, work, and grow old. Email for a hard copy.

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2015 State of the States in Aging and Disabilities

The results of the annual survey represent a snapshot of the current status of state government employees, the agencies that administer the programs, and the services that are provided. The 2015 survey revealed that states are continuing to address the same underlying challenges discussed in the previous reports.The report also includes summary tables that outline specific information about each individual state agency and LTSS program. Email to request a hard copy version.

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Training to Serve People with Dementia: Is Our Health Care System Ready?

Justice in Aging, in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association, released a new survey of dementia training requirements in each state. The number of Alzheimer's and other dementia diagnoses is on the rise, but there is often little to no training for staff and professionals that work with these populations. This survey was conducted to identify the holes in state law and to find promising practices to inform improvements in the future. The findings are available in a five-paper series.

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