New Jersey

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Promising Practices: Managing the Care of People with Disabilities

The goal of this paper is to identify programs around the country associated with serving and coordinating the care of individuals with disabilities. CHPR conducted a literature search, a series of interviews with national experts, & a review of 6 promising practices. Included in the review: planning; implementation; eligibility; funding and authority; contracting; delivery system and services offered; care management and care coordination processes; evaluation and outcomes; and replication.

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Public Financing Of Home And Community Services For Children And Youth With Serious Emotional Disturbances: Selected State Strategies

This report describes important system-of-care principles that have shaped the services for youth with SEDs, the role of the various agencies and the financing used by many states. It identifies and critiques four financing mechanisms: HCBS waivers, the Medicaid rehabilitation option, case rates for high risk populations, and provisions in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA). The paper ends with a synthesis of research questions and implications for legislative efforts.

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Disability and Health Data System (DHDS)

This innovative disability and health data tool uses data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to identify disparities in health between adults with and without disabilities. Find data on a range of health indicators for your state and compare the health of adults with and without disabilities and certain health conditions. Maps, data tables and state profiles are available.

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Characteristics and Service Use of Medicaid Buy-In Participants with Higher Incomes: A Descriptive Analysis

Few employer-sponsored and private insurance plans offer the range of services that workers with disabilities may need. Medicaid Buy-In programs are a viable option that allows these workers to receive needed services without spending down for Medicaid. This report describes findings from a study of characteristics and service utilization of higher-income enrollees compared to regular Medicaid enrollees. Providing these programs may keep higher-income workers with disabilities employed.

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Behavioral Health Treatment Needs Assessment Toolkit for States

In an effort to assist state agencies in planning for the specific behavioral health needs of emerging populations in their state, this toolkit provides state and national estimates of behavioral health disorders and program utilization, as well as step-by-step instructions to generate projections of health benefits, services and providers that will need to be addressed in the future. This resource can be helpful for mental health and substance use agencies, health plans, and Medicaid agencies.

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A State-by-State Snapshot of Poverty Among Seniors: Findings from Analysis of the Supplemental Poverty Measure

The Census Bureau created the supplemental poverty measure, in an effort to differently reflect cost of living and financial status from the "official" measure. Poverty rates among older adults are higher under the supplemental poverty measure (15%) than under the official poverty measure (9%). This analysis does a state-by-state comparison using both poverty measures to describe seniors living in poverty. An understanding of elder financial hardship is important for fiscal policy debate.

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At the Crossroads: Providing Long-Term Services and Supports at a Time of High Demand and Fiscal Constraint

A survey of state aging, disability and Medicaid agencies was conducted in 2012, in order to better understand challenges and concerns for funding and providing quality LTSS. Five common themes were identified in this report, including staff turnover and reductions during a sluggish recovery of state budgets. Other findings include an overall expansion of home and community-based services, LTSS transformation and reduced funding and high demand for non-Medicaid aging and disability services.

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The Continuity of Medicaid Coverage: An Update

This report describes research conducted on the continuity of enrollment of Medicaid beneficiaries. Continuous enrollment in a health insurance plan promotes chronic disease management and is more cost-effective. The research found that Medicaid beneficiaries are on average enrolled in the program for just 9.7 months out of the year. This disruption in enrollment leads to higher monthly medical costs and interferes with efforts to measure quality of care delivered through Medicaid.

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A Profile of Older Americans: 2012

This annual summary uses information from the US Census Bureau, the National Center for Health Care Statistics, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to display the demographic shift, as well as the health, geographic distribution and economic changes of those over 65 in the United States. This report found that 13.3 percent of the population is 65 and older, but this demographic is expected to grow to 21 percent by 2040. Changes from previous summaries are analyzed and projections are made.

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