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The Nursing Home Transition Process: Options, Analyses and Recommendations

In this report to the Georgia Department of Community Health, Geogia reports on their nursing home transition process. The report provides an overview of the Olmstead decision, and a description of the survey used determine which individuals might be interested in transitioning from institutions. The report discusses the two grants currently underway in the state and provides recommendations for future directions.

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Technical Assistance Provider Contact Information

Beginning in 2001 and continuing in 2002 and 2003, technical assistance for the Real Choice Systems Change grantees has been provided by the Exchange Collaborative team (combined efforts of ILRU and Rutgers University/CSHP). These documents provide contact information for the TA providers and two charts indicating which Exchange Team is responsible for providing TA to the grantees. In 2002 & 2002, TA was divided according to states. In 2003, TA was distributed according to theme.

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Georgia Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases Website

The Division of MHDDAD serves people of all ages and those with the most severe problems. This site provides contact information for the regional offices, the contact points for people needing treatment for mental illness or addictive diseases, problems, support services for people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities, or substance abuse prevention services.

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Georgia Department of Human Resources Website

Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) is responsible for the delivery of health and social services. This department is one of the largest agencies in state government and serves all Georgia citizens through regulatory inspection, direct service and financial assistance programs. This site provides contact information, news, and services.

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Georgia Division of Aging Services Website

The mission of the DAS is to assist older individuals, families, and caregivers to achieve safe, healthy, independent and self-reliant lives. These programs offer maximum independence and dignity for seniors and emphasize prevention, early intervention & enabling people to remain in their homes & communities. Site provides a recent fiscal report of the division, funding and grant opportunities, information on caregiving and Alzheimer's, and a detailed manual of HCBS available.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Georgia- Increasing Service Flexibility for Caregivers

This document describes Legacy Express, a program in Georgia which attempts to improve the quality of services provided to older Americans and their caregivers. Legacy Express provides vouchers to caregivers which may be spent on service options. The objective is to give caregivers the authority and flexibility to select those service options that work best for them. This program’s implementation and impact is explained in the document.

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The Future Supply of Long Term Care Workers in relation to The Aging Baby Boom Generation

This report is a product of collaboration between HHS and DOL in response to the requests from the U.S. Congress. Staff at these Departments worked collaboratively to share information and data pertaining to direct care workers in long-term care settings and to develop a joint set of recommendations for the future. This report includes information on informal caregivers, direct care workers, and paraprofessional direct services workers.

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State Long Term Care: Recent Developments and Policy Directions: 2003 Update

In this report, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) traces the budget issues that states confronted in 2002 and examines how they addressed those issues. The report also describes long-term care legislation enacted in 2002 and long-term care planning work that is under way in many states.

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