Truven Health Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters)

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Do Managed Care Programs Covering Long-Term Services and Supports Reduce Waiting Lists for Home and Community-Based Services?

This paper examines whether there is evidence that MLTSS programs increase access to home and community-based services (HCBS). One theory states that MLTSS programs may reduce costs associated with the use of institutional services, thereby allowing states to expand HCBS services and reduce waiting lists. This brief uses this theory and examines changes in a state's HCBS waiting list as one way to measure access to HCBS.

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How do Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Programs Interact With Federal LTSS-Related Initiatives?

This paper explores how state MLTSS programs interact with federal LTSS initiatives. It examines this interaction in four states: Illinois, Iowa, New York, and Ohio. It specifically focuses on the the interaction of these states' MLTSS programs with the Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration, the Balancing Incentive Program, the Health Home State Plan Option, and the Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI).

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The Impact of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Policies on Access to LTSS

This paper looks at the impact of various MLTSS policies on access to LTSS. It looks specifically at four states and the policies which these states identify as important to ensuring access. All four states identified network adequacy standards, transition of care, provider reimbursement, and level of care criteria as important factors. In addition, the paper examined participant-directed services policies and care coordination models.

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The Growth of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs: 2017 Update

CMS recently released a 2017 update to its 2012 MLTSS inventory, compiled by Truven Health Analytics. This study reviewed available information about the status of Medicaid MLTSS programs, and provides updates on the prevalence of MLTSS programs, total enrollment, and specific program design elements as of August 2017. The report surveys the landscape of MLTSS programs across the country, provides detailed summaries of each MLTSS program, and identifies national trends.

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Medicaid Section 1915(c) Waiver Data based on the CMS 372 Report, 2013 – 2014

This report from Truven Health Analytics describes section 1915(c) home and community based services waiver programs. Over 1.6 million people received section 1915(c) waiver services in 2014; this is a 5 percent increase from 1.5 million in 2013. Furthermore, the number of section 1915(c) waiver participants has increased by an average of 4 percent per year since 2009. Participants received services for an average of 10 months in 2014, as in previous years.

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Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports Beneficiaries in 2013

This report provides information about Medicaid LTSS beneficiaries in 2013. The report estimates that approximately 5.2 million people received Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports (LTSS) during calendar year 2013. This data includes state-reported estimates for managed LTSS programs. 72 percent of LTSS beneficiaries received home and community-based services (HCBS), including people who received institutional services during the year.

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Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) in FY 2015

This report from Truven Health Analytics describes Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) expenditures. The report shows federal fiscal year 2015 data, along with updates for FY 2012 through 2014 spending. Along with discussing trends in Medicaid LTSS expenditures, the report includes numerous data tables that summarize national and state-level expenditures by service category and state.

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Medicaid Long Term Services and Support Expenditures Data

CMS posted two new reports with Medicaid LTSS expenditures data. The first report focuses on the most recent data available and recent trends such as 1) an increase in LTSS provided in managed care programs and 2) increased used of newer Medicaid LTSS options authorized in the Deficit Reduction Act and the Affordable Care Act. The second report, “Improving the Balance,” uses data from FY1981 through FY2014 and documents the transition of Medicaid LTSS from institutional services to HCBS.

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