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Do Participant-Directed Workers Require The Same Training As Agency Workers? Using Research To Inform Policy

While intended to assist new participant direction partners, a wider audience may benefit from this review of directly-hired workers' characteristics, experiences, and training needs compared to agency-hired workers. This policy brief draws on research from two large scale participant-directed options for people with diverse disabilities: the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) and the California In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program.

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Proposed Rulemaking For Employment Tax Liability Of Agents Serving Home Care Service Recipient Employers Under Section 3504 Of The Internal Revenue Code

Find out about the proposed changes to Section 3504 of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations pertaining to agents that service home care service recipient employers. Specifically, these rules propose allowing such agents to file and deposit Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) in the aggregate under Section 3504 of the Internal Revenue Code. Review information on how to submit comments by April 13, 2010, as well as key terms used within the proposed rules.

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Changing Systems, Changing Lives - 2010 AOA, CMS, and VA Grantee National Meeting

View presentations and handouts associated with this meeting held in Feb. 2010 in Alexandria, VA. Objectives of the meeting included increasing grantees' knowledge of successful strategies to propel their ADRC, CLP, and VDHCBS programs towards fully functioning status, showcasing best practices, promoting peer-to-peer exchange, building workforce capacity and encouraging successful partnerships for achieving sustainable reform. The conference featured a variety of plenary and workshop sessions.

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Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities Application in Spanish - Ohio

Ohio's Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities (MBIWD) was created to enable Ohioans with disabilities to work and still keep their health care coverage. An application for this program, translated into Spanish, could be useful to consumers as well as state’s with similar needs. The application is provided here.

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CMS Policies Related to the Provision of F/EA Services

This presentation was part of the 2007 Government and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop. This presentation provided an update on policies regarding self-direction, with an emphasis on those related to fiscal management activities. The session also answered some of the more frequently asked questions and explored some of the differences between section 1915(c) waiver programs and the new State Plan options for self-directed services.

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Self-Directed Care for Adults With Serious Mental Illness

The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health identified self-directed care as one service innovation that could create a more consumer- and family oriented mental health system. Four years later, there are still fewer than 400 consumers in five states accessing self-directed care in the public mental health system. This Open Forum identifies three main barriers to explain this lack of progress. The abstract and article are available for download here.

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