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Addressing Liability Issues in Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS): The National Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Selected Other Models

Liability issues pertaining to consumer-directed personal assistant services are discussed in this report. Issues are divided into topics including consumer-worker relationships, the risk of fiscal agents, the risk of consultants, and the risk for states and government entities. The report goes onto provide options to address liability risks.

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Accessing Workers' Compensation Insurance for Consumer-Employed Personal Assistance Service Workers: Issues, Challenges and Promising Practices

First illustrating the US workers’ compensation system, this article continues to detail worker’s compensation programs and how they function. A historical overview and the basic objective of worker’s compensation laws are also reviewed. The article ends with a discussion of issues, challenges, and promising practices.

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Informational Materials for the MBIWD Project - Ohio

In this collection of informational materials, Ohio outlines what its Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities (MBIWD) program is. Documents include an explanatory booklet, flyer and fact sheets. A website link with the government site that houses these documents, application forms and additional information is also included. While this material was intended for consumer use, it could serve as a guide to other states contemplating or running a similar MIG program.

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