Muskie School of Public Service

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Compendium of Quality Indicators for Older Adults, Adults with Physical Disabilities, Adults with Mental Retardation/Autism and Living at Home, in the Community, or in Long-Term Care Facilities

The Muskie School of Public Service has complied over 15 tools and surveys. Included in the report are Participant Experience Surveys, Performance Indicators, Experience Surveys, Core Indicators, Consumer Surveys, Behavioral Risk Factors, Outcome Measures, and a variety of Quality Measures. Review the sample questions and tools shown in this Compendium of Quality Indicators.

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Results of the Maine Experience Survey Adults with Physical Disabilities Consumer Directed Waiver

As part of the Real Choice grant activities, Maine identified the need for a survey of consumers on the Consumer Directed Physically Disabled Waiver. This report provides the results of the in-home survey that was conducted by the Muskie School. The survey results identified some areas of focus and opportunities for increased training. Based on survey results, changes were made to the emergency back up plans, training with adaptive equipment and CNA registries.

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Designing a Reportable System: A Collaborative Quality Improvement Project

Maine's Real Choice Systems Change Initiative has done work in four major areas: Data integration, Quality, Access and Person-Centered Services. This paper reports on the accomplishments at the conclusion of Quality Choices I. Report sections include: Background, Goals and Objectives, Project Selection, Pre-Design Planning, System Design, Challenges, Lessons Learned, Next Steps and Sustainability. The appendices offer examples of Critical Event Intake & Triage Forms plus a BEAS Event Form.

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HCBS Quality Indicators for Home and Community-Based Services in Maine

This report provides summary information on the performance of Maine’s home and community based care system. The data can be used to identify areas where the system is working and people are satisfied and also points to areas where further analysis would be helpful. The quality indicators are for the following programs: Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities, Adults with Physical Disabilities - Who Self Direct and Adults with Mental Retardation/Autism.

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Access to Housing for Persons with Disabilities: Lessons Learned from Three Demonstration Projects

The Quality Choices for Maine project was conducted from 2001-2004. This report focuses on Access to Services, one part of the three-year RCSC Quality Grant. The specific housing related goal was “to improve access to community housing for people with disabilities of all types.” Project activities were overseen by the Access to Services Technical Assistance Group and a variety of stakeholders. Read the activity summaries, lessons learned and recommendations on how to sustain the work.

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Access, Choice and Control: A Comparative Analysis of Maine’s Personal Assistance Services Programs

The purpose of this 2001 Real Choice System Change grant project is to review personal assistance services policies across departments and programs to identify unnecessary inconsistencies and opportunities to maximize consumer choice and control. This comparative analysis identifies opportunities for increasing consumer choice and control across Maine’s personal assistance services (PAS) program and offers additional findings and recommendations.

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Discovery Methods for Remediation and Quality Improvement in Home and Community Based Services

This paper synthesizes the ideas and practices of states as they seek to improve the quality of HCBS services. The purpose of this paper is: to promote the exchange of information among states regarding the use of discovery methods for HCBS services; to identify and share the various approaches that states are using to identify gaps, redundancies, strengths and weaknesses in their HCBS quality systems; to discuss ways to prioritize activities and select quality improvement activities.

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Quality Waiver Review Database

This database, developed under Maine's QA/QI grant, helps to organize program design and QM system information in a way that is compatible with both CMS's Quality Framework and Review Protocol. Once information is entered into the system, the database can generate one page snapshots of a state's QM structure. <br> Please Note: You must download either database to your computer in order to run.

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Access to Community Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities

This report focuses the development of increased access to community transportation services for individuals with disabilities as part of the Access to Services project in Maine. The report includes a summary of grant activity, lessons learned throughout the project, and recommendations for next steps to sustain the work of this grant. The specific project goal was as follows: To make transportation more available and responsive to persons with disabilities.

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Negotiating the Funding Maze: Research Findings from the Youth With Disabilities Flexible Funding Project

This report brings together the research, analysis, and conclusions of the work completed under Maine’s Quality Choices grant concerning flexible funding systems for youth with developmental disabilities as they establish themselves in ‘adult’ communities on their road to independent living. The report includes a review of the project history and implementation, research findings Strategies and Recommendations, and a Fiscal Roadmap.

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