AARP Public Policy Institute

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From Ideation to Standard Practice: Scaling Innovations in Long-Term Services and Supports

Much innovation in the LTSS system has originated at local levels and later reached the national level after testing and support from the government, foundations and others. A new paper reviews five innovative LTSS programs to explore how they were successfully scaled up and implemented in more places. This report builds on the widely accepted model for understanding the expansion of an innovation developed by sociologist E.M. Rogers, who coined the phrase “early adopter.” Its five recommendations adapt Rogers’s framework to selecting and promoting LTSS innovations.

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Rural–Urban Health Disparities among US Adults Ages 50 and Older

With older populations growing faster in rural areas than urban areas, new research focuses on health care access, health-related behaviors, and health conditions among rural versus urban older adults, and on racial and ethnic disparities within each group. Adults ages 50 and older living in rural areas are more likely to forgo medical care due to cost than those living in urban areas. Additionally, Black and Hispanic older adults living in rural areas are much more likely than their White counterparts to skip medical care due to cost.

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Rural–Urban Health Disparities among US Adults Age 50 and Older

This report analyzes the health care access, health-related behaviors, and health conditions among older adults living in rural areas. The report reveals health disparities among rural older adults who are members of racial and ethnic minorities. The report also reveals disparities in prevalence of serious health conditions and health care access between urban and rural older adults.

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LTSS Choices: The Role of Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This report explores the role played by managed care organizations delivering Medicaid long term services and support programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report looks at the roles and responsibilities of governments, nursing homes, and MLTSS plans and argues their role in the pandemic response as well as the role of federal funding and data use, should all be examined further to inform future policy.

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Supplemental Security Income: Continuity and Change since 1974

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides financial support to low income individuals, including children, adults with severe disabilities, and adults ages 65 and older. This brief describes the SSI program and the demographic and economic characteristics of SSI beneficiaries. Additionally, it discusses state programs that supplement federal SSI, reasons some eligible people do not participate in SSI, and some current changes to the program.

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LTSS Choices: A Series on Transforming Long-Term Services & Supports

The AARP Public Policy Institute recently launched a three-year initiative which aims to transform long term care in the United States. LTSS Choices will be a series of reports, blogs, videos, podcasts, and virtual convenings that seek to catalyze reform and spark ideas to modernize LTSS, long term services and supports. The goal is a long-term care system that provides a wide range of choices to meet the dynamic needs and preferences of consumers and their families.

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Recognition of Family Caregivers in Managed Long-Term Services and Supports

This AARP Public Policy Institute research report examines support for family caregivers in managed long-term services and supports. The report finds that states have made progress in this area, but have opportunity to continue improving support for family caregivers in their MLTSS programs. One potential solution suggested by the report is to ensure that MLTSS contracts between states and health plans include clearly defined requirements to identify and support family caregivers.

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The Economic Impact of Age Discrimination

This new report from AARP explores the impact of age discrimination. The report measures the missed growth that the U.S. economy could have captured with better hiring practices and workplace retention initiatives. Findings show that the U.S. missed out on a potential $850 billion in GDP in 2018 and could lose out on $3.9 trillion in 2050 without intervention. The report also discusses how we can overcome age discrimination and capture the benefits of age inclusion in the future.

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Valuing the Invaluable: 2019 Update Charting a Path Forward

The latest report in the AARP Public Policy Institute’s Valuing the Invaluable series estimates the economic value of unpaid family caregiving at $470 billion in 2017. The report also explores family caregiving trends, highlights federal and state policy changes since the release of the previous Valuing the Invaluable report in 2015, and offers further policy recommendations to enhance the well-being of caregiving families.

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