Person Centered Planning

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Public Policy and Aging Report: Aging Services Network

Four articles provide an update of where the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Aging Network stand in the face of demographic, economic, and health care issues. The first two cover the history of the legislative and budgetary developments of the network and report on a national survey of Area Agencies on Aging. The third summarizes political vagaries that network agencies encounter. The last advocates that civic engagement efforts must expand to cover disadvantaged and vulnerable older adults.

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On-Site Review Protocol: A Guide for Agencies and Reviewers – Alaska

States can use this in the development or improvement of their own protocol for reviewing sites that deliver Medicaid and grant funded services. The purposes of the reviews are to ensure compliance with regulations, assist in development of policies and procedures, and identify potential areas for training and program improvement. Protocols are organized by review method and specify which indicators are measured, source of data to be gathered, and example inquiries.

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Family Support 360 Presentation: TA Call on Emergency Preparedness with Commissioner Morrissey

This is a presentation hosted by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and their TA providers, BETAH Associates, which includes a discussion of emergency preparedness, with a focus on individuals with disabilities. The presentation was given by Patricia A. Morrissey, Commissioner of the federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities. The last few slides contain a list of additional resources.

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2008 Reinventing Quality Conference – Presentation Materials

This annual conference focuses on quality of services for people with developmental disabilities. Held Aug. 10-12 in Baltimore, this year’s conference featured agencies that have implemented person-centered planning and individualized support structures. One highlight was individuals who have developed their own micro-enterprises. In addition, innovations in policies, systems issues, and quality assurance methodologies were presented.

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FY2009 Real Choice Systems Change Grants for Community Living Awards

Seven states received a share of over $8 million in federal grants to increase awareness of home-and community-based long-term care options for people leaving hospitals who otherwise may enter a nursing home. Over $7 million of the awards will be used to develop person-centered hospital discharge planning models. An additional $574,613 will supplement grants from FY07 to Wisconsin and Alaska so they can continue their Person-Centered Planning Implementation programs for another two years.

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System and Impact Research and Technical Assistance for CMS FY2005, FY2006, and FY2007 Real Choice Systems Change (RCSC) Grants: Annual Report

This report presents findings from Oct ‘05 – Oct ‘07, which includes the first nine months of strategic planning for the FY05 and FY06 Systems Transformation (ST) Grants and the subsequent initial 15-months of implementation (through Oct ‘07) for the FY05 ST Grants. The report focuses primarily on documenting grantees' experiences during the start-up period and grantees' progress during early implementation and suggests early trends and findings.

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Transitioning Youth with Mental Health Needs to Meaningful Employment and Independent Living

The authors offer recommendations for providing successful career preparation support to youth with mental health needs. They studied five successful programs to identify common design features that address frequently identified challenges in transitioning to an independent adulthood. They also offer analysis of systems level factors affecting program design and sustainability, in addition to recommendations for staff and policymakers.

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