Peer Supports

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2002 Real Choice Grantees and Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Services and Supports Grantees: Final Report

This report provides an overview of 33 states’ initiatives (FY02 CPASS and Real Choice Grantees) to improve their LTC systems and the enduring improvements achieved. It includes lessons learned and recommendations that can guide states that are undertaking similar initiatives. Grantees made enduring systems improvements in five major areas—many states in more. Virtually all agreed that prior to introducing new policies and programs, it is essential to obtain stakeholder buy-in and commitment.

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ACT Peer Support Evaluation Findings

Fifty-nine participants in three cohorts of training for ACT Peer Support Specialist (PSS) were surveyed on the last day of their training on a number of outcome variables, including current employment status. Participants were asked about motivations for training and seeking employment as a peer support specialist, quality of life, and empowerment. Review the survey questions and results

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Peer Support Training Manual - Ohio Advocates for Mental Health

This collection of materials comprises a short course for consumers to further peer support among individuals, to gain skills for use as Peer Support Specialists, to advance the use of warm lines and partnering activities, and to form and sustain peer support groups. The expectation is that people giving and taking this course will have heightened awareness of effective communication skills and resources to assist them as they provide peer support.

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CPASS and Consumer Direction Hawaii Website

This site was created to support self-advocates and their communities to participate in Statewide personal assistance service systems change, promoting consumer-directed service models through community councils and customized training and technical assistance. The list of tools includes CPASS Business such as the calendar and newsletter as well as Consumer Direction & CPASS Resources and Training materials (Self-Advocacy and Personal Assistance Handbooks, Service Models, Support Brokerage).

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Peer Mentor’s Mentoree Training & Resource Manuals

The Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities contracting with Valek & Co. to design and provide services relating to the recruiting, training and matching of mentors/mentorees for those interested in sharing their experience about rejoining the workforce. Included are two versions of recruitment letters, phone scripts, booklet and flyers. They received 23 mentor applications and 19 mentoree applications. Review the extensive training materials, exit surveys, and final reports.

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CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter: Using Peer Support Services Under Medicaid

This letter provides guidance to States and discusses policy issues related to peer support and notes that States are increasingly interested in covering peer support providers as a distinct type for the delivery of counseling and other support services. The letter (SMDL #07-011) provides policy guidance on requirements for supervision, care-coordination, and minimum training criteria of peer support providers.

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Bridging Resources to Peer Mentor Support

The Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital has shared a synopsis and tools they have developed as part of their peer mentoring program for people with recently acquired spinal cord injuries. Mentors also have spinal cord injuries and have similar backgrounds. This peer mentor model could be adapted to a variety of situations. Other more detailed tools (such as weekly and monthly reports) are also available by contacting the staff.

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Checklist for Enhancing the Participation and Input of People with Disabilities

In many ways, consumers are the best experts on their disabling conditions, including their own needs for support and the effectiveness and quality of programs. As a result, obtaining consumer participation and input at all stages of program design, implementation, evaluation and quality assurance is important. Effectively and efficiently involving consumers and obtaining their input, however, requires creative and innovative methods. This checklist will help to enhance full participation.

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