Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG)

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MIG Outreach Materials - Alabama

How is the state of Alabama reaching out to consumers and employers with important information regarding help for persons with disabilities who want to work or return to work? To find out, explore several examples of state-wide outreach: two newsletters put out by "BamaWorks", Alabama's MIG program, a brochure, and a website. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide outreach for their own MIG programs.

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Consumers as Providers Training Program - Wisconsin

An exciting new trend in community mental health services is the increasing use of "Peer Specialists" on treatment teams serving people with mental illness. Peer Specialists use their own recovery experiences, along with specialized mental health training, to provide services that are strengths based and recovery oriented. To learn more, explore the attached presentation, article, and mentoring plan.

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Training Needs Assessment Report: Paths to Employment Resource Center - Wisconsin

This needs assessment is one example of how the state of Wisconsin is working to achieve the goals of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant and to strengthen its employment infrastructure for residents with disabilities. Within this report find input from consumers, employment service providers, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders as well as recommendations for for emerging training needs in order to best serve those involved in the community rehabilitation process.

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States and the Affordable Care Act: More Funding, More Flexibility

To date, the ACA has provided or offered $2.8 billion in funding to states. This includes funding for long-term care and health workforce needs. This report, released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, highlights the flexibility and resources provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to improve health care benefits and protect consumers.

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Medicaid Work Incentive Network 2009 Exit Survey Results - West Virginia

How does the state of West Virginia evaluate the effectiveness of their MIG programs and services? Explore these exit survey results as well as corresponding conclusions and recommendations. This particular survey is mailed monthly to individuals after they leave the state's Medicaid Work Incentive Network; discover the variety of reasons.

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Abilities Newsletters - Vermont

How can states provide outreach and resources to employers in order to encourage and support them in hiring individuals with disabilities? Explore the "Abilities" newsletter archive in order to see examples of the electronic newsletter to employers produced every other month by the state of Vermont. May be helpful for other MIG states working to reach out to employers.

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Health Care and Working Webinars - Utah

Contained in these attachments are links to several examples of Webinars broadcasted in the state of Utah and aimed at individuals with disabilities interested in working while keeping their Health Care benefits. Included is information on Medicaid and working, Medicaid Work Incentive, Employment Personal Assistance Services, how employment affects recipients of Medicare and more.

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Works for Me Website- Pennsylvania

How does the state of Pennsylvania direct consumers to resources on agencies and programs that help people with disabilities to work and improve their financial security? Peruse the website for information on Works for Me, a MIG program that guides consumers in finding jobs, obtaining training, keeping health insurance, getting assistive technology, and more.

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North Dakota Organizational Self-Assessment for Recovery-Oriented Person-Centered Practice for Adults with Mental Illness

Contained in this research report are the results from a survey conducted with adults receiving mental health services in North Dakota and professionals who administer mental health services. Reviewing this information may be helpful for agencies, policymakers, and advocates seeking to build on the current system of mental health services.

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Qualified Service Provider Association of North Dakota Outreach Materials

Use these attached outreach materials to learn more about QSPAND, a network of quality service providers working to improve their abilities to provide client-centered services in the least restrictive environment possible. Members act as peer supporters as well as advocates for critical issues and policy changes through educating legislators and policymakers. Please access QSPAND's website, as well as newsletters and a brochure for more information.

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