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CMS Releases Latest Enrollment Figures for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

On Monday, July 31, CMS released the latest enrollment figures for Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. As of April 2023, over 65.8 million people are enrolled in Medicare; more than 33.9 million are enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare and more than 31.9 have a Medicare Advantage plan. Over 94.1 million enrollees have Medicaid and CHIP; more than 87 million individuals have Medicaid and nearly 7.1 million have coverage through CHIP. Over 12 million individuals are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid and are counted in the enrollment figures for both programs...

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CMS Releases Latest Enrollment Figures for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

On Tuesday, June 29, CMS released the latest enrollment figures for Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. As of March 2023, over 65.7 million people are enrolled in Medicare; nearly 34 million are enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare and more than 31.7 have a Medicare Advantage plan. Over 93.8 million enrollees have Medicaid and CHIP; more than 86.7 million individuals have Medicaid and more than 7.1 million have coverage through CHIP. Over 12 million individuals are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid and are counted in the enrollment figures for both programs.

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Recuction of Prices for Certain Medicare Part B Prescription Drugs

On March 15th, the Department of Health and Human Services, through CMS, announced 27 prescription drugs covered under Medicare Part B that may have lower beneficiary coinsurances. From April 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023, some people with Medicare who take these drugs may save between $2 and $390 per average dose, depending on the beneficiary’s coverage. Under the Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law in August 2022, drug companies that raise their drug prices faster than the rate of information are required to pay a rebate to Medicare. Starting April 1, 2023, Medicare beneficiaries may pay a lower coinsurance for certain Part B drugs if the drug’s price increased faster than the rate of inflation in a benchmark quarter.

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AARP Public Policy Institute Releases Report on Medicare Savings Program

AARP’s Public Policy Institute released a report titled “Underused Medicare Savings Programs Can Help Many More Older Adults Afford Health Care”. Medicare Savings Programs or MSPs provide financial assistance with certain Medicare costs for eligible low-income Medicare beneficiaries, and are administered by state Medicaid agencies. According to the report, about 16 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in MSPs; however, the number of individuals eligible for these programs is estimated to be much higher. The paper discusses the findings from the organization’s analysis and research, and proposes areas states can consider to increase enrollment and expand eligibility.

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Data Book: Beneficiaries Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid

The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) and the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) have released an updated data book which presents information on the demographic and other personal characteristics, expenditures, and health care utilization of individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

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Medicare Open Enrollment Toolkit

The annual Medicare open enrollment period for Medicare Advantage and Part D plans ends Wednesday, December 7, 2022. To assist individuals who counsel Medicare clients, the National Council on Aging or NCOA developed a “Medicare Open Enrollment Toolkit”. The Toolkit includes many useful resources designed for professionals, advocates, caregivers, and/or older adults, including a fact sheet on changes to Medicare in 2023; information on Medicare Part A and Part B premiums and cost-sharing in 2023; a 2023 Medicare Part D cost-sharing chart; and other helpful information and guidance.

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2023 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles 2023 Medicare Part D Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts

CMS recently announced the 2023 Medicare costs, including premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance amounts. The standard monthly Part B premium will decrease three percent or $5.20 – the first time in a decade the cost was lowered. CMS attributes the decrease in the Part B premium to lower spending on the Alzheimer drug, Aduhelm, and other Part B items and services.

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The SHIP National Technical Assistance Center

The SHIP TA Center has published a one-page handout called “Medicare coverage of the COVID-19 vaccine," which comes with a companion guide for aging network professionals, "Talking about Medicare Coverage of the COVID-19 Vaccine.” The guide addresses biases, engagement & building a trusting relationship, session structure & sample scripts, handling strong emotions or difficult behaviors, frequently asked questions about Medicare coverage and the vaccine, and how to find other COVID resources.

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CMS Translates Medicare & You Handbook into Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean

CMS announced the 2022 Medicare & You Handbook will be available in Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean, as well as English and Spanish. Medicare & You is a resource designed to help Medicare enrollees make decisions about their coverage. The new Chinese version, along with Spanish, large print, audio book, and braille versions of Medicare & You are available on

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