Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Colorado Department of Human Services Website

CDHS oversees the state’s 64 county departments of social/human services, the public mental health system, the system of services for people with developmental disabilities, the state’s juvenile corrections system and all state and veterans’ nursing homes. Find information on Adult, Disability, and Rehabilitation services, Office of Self-Sufficiency, Behavioral Health and Housing, Office of State and Veterans Nursing Homes, Children, Youth and Families, and the Office of Performance Improvement.

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Colorado Department of Human Services

CDHS oversees the state’s 64 county departments of social/human services, the state’s public mental health system, Colorado’s system of services for people with developmental disabilities, the state’s juvenile corrections system and all state and veterans’ nursing homes, through more than 5,000 employees and thousands of community-based service providers.

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Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America

Final report of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (issued July 22, 2003). The Commission is part of the \"President's New Freedom Initiative\" to eliminate inequalities for Americans with disabilities. The report outlines goals for mental health and recommendations for achieving them.

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Workers Affected by Chronic Conditions

Workers are affected by chronic conditions in two critical ways — by their own conditions and by the need to care for family members with chronic conditions. Better health technology and disease management programs, as well as flexible work policies, are helping many people affected by chronic conditions function in the workplace. Changes in the workplace need not be expensive, and policies and programs that address the needs of workers are beneficial to employees and employers alike.

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Dirigo Health Reform Act: Addressing Health Care Costs, Quality, and Access in Maine

In June ‘03, Maine Gov. Baldacci signed into law the Dirigo Health Reform Act. A major premise behind the law is that successful health care reform must address cost, quality, & access simultaneously & with equal vigor. Named for Maine's motto: To Lead-the program is designed to guarantee health coverage by ‘09 to those who cannot afford insurance. The ME Governor’s Office of Health Policy & Finance (GOHPF) has partnered with NASHP to develop issue briefs keeping states abreast of the reform.

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2003 CMS Conference Presentations

The Living and Working in the Community 2003 conference, sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), was held March 4-5, 2003. Participants included Medicaid grantees, consumers, advocates, Federal and State representatives, providers, and academics. The link provide here will direct you to the presentations from this conference. Topics include: Quality assurance, nursing facility transition, mental health, single point of entry, workforce issues and housing issues.

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