Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Personal Support and Safety Plan Worksheet

This is an example of a personal support and safety plan. This document can be used with clients to determine what they hope to accomplish, design a people map and outline important and positive characteristics about themselves. The plan then focuses on support and what others need to know to provide assistance. Lastly, the plan address what is happening in life (ups and downs) and forms an action plan.

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Promoting Self-Determination for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities through Self-Directed Services

This paper subtitled: A Look at Federal, State and Public Systems as Sources of Cash-Outs and Other Fiscal Expansion Opportunities, examines promising interconnections between the concepts of recovery, self-determination, and self-directed care. It reviews the five principles of self-direction and explores the major systems that can serve as sources of cash-out funding. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations for next steps in adopting this mental health care financing mechanism.

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Antidepressant Medication Use With Depressed Youth & Possible Suicide Risk Controversy

Antidepressant Medication Use in Youth and Suicide Risk Controversy Recent Food and Drug Administration Hearings and Interim Recommendations: On Sept. 14, 04, mental health professionals, researchers, mental health advocates, and concerned parents and youth presented additional information to the Psychopharmacologic Drugs and Pediatric Advisory Committee (PDPAC) to the FDA. Meeting minutes included background information, researcher testimony, DCF PMAC Consensus Statements & recommendations.

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FY2004 Real Choice Systems Change Grants: Award Announcement

On October 5, 2004, HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson announced $31 million in grants to 31 states to help people with disabilities or long-term illnesses live in their homes and participate fully in community life. The grants were awarded under the New freedom Initiative and are known as Real Choice Systems Change Grants. A total of 52 grants were awarded in nine categories. The press release, which describes the grant categories, and list of grantees are available.

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Children’s SED Waiver Conference Call

On August 23, 2004, the Community Living Exchange Collaborative at Rutgers Center for State Health Policy hosted a conference call on Children's SED Waivers presented to Community-based Treatment Alternatives for Children (CTAC) grantees. The agenda will included presentations from NY, KS, VT, IN, WI. Please note: This was an informal presentation to a small group of grantees.

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Multimodal Treatment for ADHD Among Youths in Three Medicaid Subgroups: Disabled, Foster Care, and Low Income

This study compared the use of treatments for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among three distinct subpopulations of Medicaid-insured youths who have very different mental health needs and patterns of service use: those with federally documented disability, those in foster care, and those in families with low income. This one-year, cross-sectional study of community mental health services used administrative data.

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Oregon News Release & Solicitation of Sponsors for Housing for Persons with MI at Villebois

News release on the sale of Dammasch State Hospital. The Oregon Office of Mental Health & Addiction Services seeking entities to sponsor the development of a variety of housing projects for persons with mental illness to be developed at Villebois in Wilsonville, Oregon. The proceeds of the sale, less expenses related to the complex real estate transaction, will be deposited in the Community Mental Health Housing Fund.

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