Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Mental Health Transformation Trends: May/June 2005

Transformation is happening. From California to Connecticut, promising models of transformation in behavioral health are being developed and piloted. The latest issue of the SAMHSA/CMHS publication includes information on:<br>+ Connecticut Transforms Its System of Care Toward Recovery<br>+ Federal Partner Spotlight: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs<br>+ SAMHSA/CMHS Identifies Key Priorities<br>+ State Teams to Get Help on Mental Health Transformation<br>+ Leadership is Everyone's Business

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Rehabilitation Research and Training Center: Mental Health Consumer-Centered and Community-Based Practices Request for Proposal

The Department of Education has announced an invitation for applications to support Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers focused on Mental Health Consumer-Centered and Community-Based Practices and Supports. Applications are due August 16, 2005. Estimated Available Funds: $1,300,000. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.133B-3

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The Elimination of Barriers Initiative Website

This is the official website for the Elimination of Barriers Initiative (EBI)-an eight State demonstration project designed to support and evaluate efforts to address the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illnesses. The EBI uses public education, contact, and reward methods to achieve this goal. The website also features public service announcements, brochures, toolkits, resources for addressing stigma in school and workplace settings and information in Spanish.

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Advanced Strategies Teleconference - May 2005

This call hosted Emily Fuerste, Executive Director of the No Place Like Home Communities in Minnesota. The NPLHC creates supportive affordable housing for adults with disabilities, helping build financial and emotional equity in independent lives as they travel the road to their full potential. Their goal is to develop a rent-to-own model which will allow all people with disabilities to gain financial equity.

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The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act and the Impact on Care of People with Chronic Illness: Benefit Design and Implementation Issues

This article raises concerns about the impact of Medicare Part D on persons with chronic illnesses or disabilities. The article looks at benefit design and implementation issues. The article appeared in Care Management Journals, Volume 5, Number 2. Summer 2004

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Community Living Brief: The Medicaid Rehabilitative Services (“Rehab”) Option

Medicaid funding can play a critical role in meeting the needs of children with emotional disturbances and adults with mental illnesses. This paper provides information regarding recent state activities and trends in developing and revising the Rehab Option; relates to service coverage, agency and practitioner requirements, rates and coding, and management of services; and offers steps that states and other interested parties should consider when “updating” their Rehab Option. Brief: Vol 3 Iss 2

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Housing Advanced Strategies Teleconference: March 17, 2005

The March 2005 Advanced Strategies Subgroup call hosted Dr. Fran Randolf, Director, Division of Service and Systems Improvement, Center for Mental Health Services for SAMHSA. Dr. Randolph presented information on the Mental Health Transformation State Incentive Grant Request for Proposals and the mental health transformation project. These summary notes provide an overview of the presentation and discussion.

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Community Living Brief: Myths and Strategies in Addressing Violence Against People with Disabilities

This ILRU publication addresses common myths about abuse against people with disabilities by personal assistance providers and family members. The newsletter also addresses the personal barriers to stopping abuse and violence. This issue is Vol. 3, Issue 1.

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Impact of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit on Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs

Surveying Maryland’s 3,180 dual eligibles who are enrolled in hcbs waiver programs, the author finds that the end-of-2005 transfer of prescription drug coverage from Medicaid to Medicare under the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 could put these beneficiaries in jeopardy. The experience in MD is likely to be typical for other states. The paper recommends a number of federal policy remedies, including 90-day prescriptions, using open or shared formularies, & lengthening the enrollment period.

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Community Living Exchange Newsletter #2 September 2004

This is the second in a series of newsletters produced at the Exchange to provide assistance to our CMS Real Systems Change grantees. This newsletter is produced biannually. Topics include: Connecting the Dots: Maryland; Money Follows the Person: Grantee Meeting in Nevada; Information Technology (IT) Systems Survey for Single Point of Entry; Housing Work Group Established for Real Choice Grantees; Children’s Mental Health Audio Conference.

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