Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Results from the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Mental Health Findings

According to results from this comprehensive national survey, 11 million adults (4.8 percent) in the U.S. have suffered serious mental illness in 2009, and in many cases these individuals also have a substance use disorder. The survey provides many insights into the nature and scope of mental illness. Because of its statistical power, it is a primary source of information on a wide range of behavioral health matters including mental health and substance abuse issues.

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Office of Consumer & Family Affairs Newsletter - New Hampshire

How does the state of New Hampshire reach out to individuals with disabilities and their families? The Office of Consumer & Family Affairs (OCFA) provides information, education and support for children and youth, families, adults and older adults who are dealing with the challenges of mental illness. Attached is a newsletter put out by OCFA that provides important updates and resources as well as a link to their website.

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NASHP's 2010 State Health Policy Conference Presentations

Presentations from NASHP's 23rd annual conference held October 4-6 in New Orleans are available online. Included are remarks from CMS Administrator Donald Berwick , and presentations such as Health Care Reform: New Options for Rebalancing Long Term Services and Supports, Integrating Care for Dual Eligibles, Reforming State Long Term Services and Supports Programs through Participant Direction, and numerous others. Review the presentations about vital issues in state health policy.

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2010 Survey of Employment of Americans with Disabilities

Review the results of a survey that measures the current attitudes of corporate employers toward employees with disabilities and corporate action on hiring people with disabilities. Findings are presented on current corporate disability policies and programs, steps employers have been taking towards recruiting, training, and retaining people with disabilities, as well as the barriers they experience, and more.

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How Are the Experiences of Individuals with Severe Mental Illness Different from Those of Other Medicaid Buy-In Participants?

Learn about how Medicaid Buy-In participants with severe mental illness compare to other program participants. Their characteristics, employment experiences, and medical expenditures are profiled in this issue brief. It is shown that these individuals have lower medical expenditures and better employment outcomes than participants with other disabling conditions, at least in the short to medium term. Research results, policy implications and next steps are discussed.

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The ADA 20 Years Later - 2010 Survey of Americans with Disabilities

Review the results of a survey that assesses the quality of life of people with disabilities on a wide range of critical dimensions and tracks them over time. A number of indicators were used, and findings show that while there has been modest improvement in a few areas, there has yet to be significant progress. Employment remained as the largest gap between people with disabilities and those without. Attached are links to the final report, executive summary, presentation and webinar.

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How Can Consumer Direction Really Be Right For Everyone? - Technical Assistance Presentation

What are the goals of consumer direction? Does mental illness affect consumer direction of community-based care? This presentation addresses these and other tough questions faced in planning and implementing participant-directed programs. Information on consumer assessments, representatives, and common sense approaches and intervention are discussed, as well as additional tools and resources.

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Establishing and Maintaining Medicaid Eligibility Upon Release from Public Institutions

Many low-income individuals with severe mental illness leave state institutions without health insurance and therefore without financial access to the treatment they need to live successfully in their communities. Read an evaluation of Oklahoma’s efforts to develop and implement a model program to ensure that eligible individuals with mental illness were enrolled in Medicaid at discharge from state prisons and institutions for mental diseases.

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How Are the Experiences of Individuals with Severe Mental Illness Different from Those of Other Medicaid Buy-In Participants? – Issue Brief

Review a brief that profiles Medicaid Buy-In participants with severe mental illness and compares their characteristics, employment experiences, and medical expenditures with those of other program participants. Findings show that Buy-In participants had lower medical expenditures, were more likely to be employed and to increase their earnings over time.

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Self-Directed Care in Mental Health: Learnings from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration Evaluation

Review findings of a study of outcomes of adults with mental illnesses in the Cash & Counseling program compared to those receiving traditional Medicaid services. Such individuals experienced higher satisfaction with their quality of life and with their paid caregivers, fewer unmet needs, no more injuries or other adverse health outcomes than other patients, no significant differences in total expenditures, and were able to successfully manage the cash option.

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