Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Non-Elderly Disabled Category 2 Housing Choice Voucher Program: An Implementation and Impact Analysis

The Non-Elderly Disabled Category 2 (NED2) Housing Choice Voucher Program aimed to increase access to affordable housing for non-elderly people (age 62 and under) with disabilities currently residing in institutions, such as a nursing home. This evaluation examined the program's implementation in a subset of communities that received NED2 vouchers and estimated the impact of the program on the change in the rate of community transitions among the eligible population.

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Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Psychiatric Disorders and Other Disabilities

To answer questions on what services and barriers people with psychiatric disorders face, the authors conducted two targeted literature reviews: (1) employment programs and outcomes for people with psychiatric disorders; and (2) employment programs for people with other disabilities. The authors also examined literature and policy documents that outlined funding options for employment services for people with psychiatric disorders and other disabilities.

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An Investigation of Interstate Variation in Medicaid Long-Term Care Use and Expenditures Across 40 States in 2006

Shifting the balance in publicly-funded long-term care provision away from institutional care toward greater reliance on home and community-based services has been a federal goal for the past three decades -- a goal often referred to as "re-balancing" state LTC systems. This report explores inter-state variations in LTC expenditure and service use patterns, in terms of institutional and non-institutional services, and also by Medicaid LTC users' age and type of disability.

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How Many Medicaid Beneficiaries Receive Long-Term Services and Supports?

This report is a comprehensive account of the number of individuals in each state who received Medicaid-funded LTSS in calendar year 2010 based on the Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX). The MAX data source is a set of Medicaid administrative data files designed to facilitate Medicaid research. The report identifies the number of people by population group who received institutional and non-institutional services. With some exceptions, State and national data are included.

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Fulfilling the Promise: Overcoming Persistent Barriers to Economic Self-Sufficiency for People with Disabilities

This report shares findings from an investigation with 400 people with disabilities who have experienced poverty. Their experiences identified six major factors that limit the ability of people with disabilities to gain employment and contribute to a disproportionate number living in poverty.

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Benefits and Cost-Sharing for Working People with Disabilities in Medicaid and the Marketplace

Access to affordable health insurance is essential to the ability of people with disabilities to seek and maintain employment. As their income fluctuates, people may migrate between Medicaid and Marketplace coverage, and they may face changes in their benefits and out-of-pocket responsibilities as a consequence. This issue brief uses hypothetical examples of working people with disabilities to illustrate the experiences they might have with Medicaid and Marketplace coverage in four states.

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Evidence-based Best Practices in the Public Vocational Rehabilitation Program that Lead to Employment Outcomes

The state-federal vocational rehabilitation program serves approximately one million individuals a year and spends about $3 billion annually. This article looks at evidence-based best practices from the program.

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The Growth of Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Programs: A 2012 Update

This white paper provides an inventory of all current MLTSS programs and a projection of future programs as of July 2012. The report includes state-by-state results and synthesizes findings across states, reporting national enrollment, characteristics of contractors and multiple program features.

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Raising Expectations, 2014: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers

This State Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Scorecard is a multidimensional approach to measure state-level performance of LTSS systems that assist older people, adults with disabilities, and their family caregivers. This second edition of the State LTSS Scorecard measures LTSS system performance across five key dimensions: affordability and access; choice of setting and provider; quality of life and quality of care; support for family caregivers; and effective transitions.

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