Physical Disabilities

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US Department of Justice Landmark Accommodations Agreement - Housing Info Update #22

On 9/29/04, the Dept of Justice announced the settlement of a lawsuit alleging a pattern of discrimination by the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) against low-income people with disabilities. The agreement, the first of its kind, enforces Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations against a public housing authority. Under the agreement, HABC will change its housing facilities, programs, policies & practices; commit several million dollars to new housing; and pay damages.

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US Department of Justice Housing Discrimination Settlement- Housing Info Update #21

This brief information update highlights the United States Department of Justice settlement of a housing discrimination suit that alleged disability discrimination by the Triumvera Tower Condominium Association in Glenview, IL. The complaint alleged the condominium association discriminated on the basis of disability by establishing a written policy prohibiting persons in wheelchairs from using the front door.

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Ticket to Work: Inside Ticket Autumn 2004 Newsletter

The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work. The quarterly newsletter covers marketplace news, opportunities and experiences. This Autumn 2004 issues details the new marketing alliance and offers the experience of promising practices and partnerships. The publication also has a calendar and lists all recently approved Employee Network Providers.

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers: One Contact for Easy to Access Long-Term Support Services

This article was prepared for the TASH Connections newsletter and it highlights the ADRC initiative. Aging and Disability Resource Centers, or “Resource Centers”, are designed to reduce the confusion often experienced in the search for appropriate long-term community supports. The three-year Resource Center grants given to 24 states are part of the New Freedom Initiative aimed at overcoming barriers to community living for people with disabilities of all ages.

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Tennessee Personal Assistant Supports & Services: Self-Assessment Tool and User\'s Guide

The ARC of Tennessee developed this Personal Assistance Supports and Services Guide to provide people with disabilities the information & tools needed to hire and manage a Personal Assistant. Consumers first complete the self-assessment tool to determining needs. This entry also includes the user's guide and evaluation feedback form.

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Model Communities Forum: A Sharing of Ideas on Community Inclusion for People with Disabilities

On May 25, 2004 representatives from seven Connecticut towns gathered at the University of Connecticut A.J. Pappanikou Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in Farmington to share ideas and experiences related to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the life of their communities. In attendance were representatives from the Model Communities of Bridgeport, Groton and New Haven, as well as four other community representatives from municipalities not selected for funding.

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Violence and Abuse against People with Disabilities: Experiences, Barriers and Prevention Strategies

Paying personal assistance services (PAS) providers competitive wages and offering them benefits is one of the keys to stopping abuse of people with disabilities by their PAS workers, according to a report from the Center on Self-Determination Oregon Institute on Disability and Development. The report details a leading list of strategies for assisting individuals with disabilities to prevent and stop violence.

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A Health-Conscious Safety Net? Health Problems and Program Use among Low-Income Adults with Disabilities

This brief examines employment & program participation patterns of low income adults with disabilities & how well the current safety net meets their needs. It compares low-income across employment, program participation & income status. These comparisons highlight some of the unique challenges & motivate broader discussion of gaps in the safety net. Particularly striking are the conflicting messages regarding work & program participation sent by existing programs & policies.

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