Aging/Older Adults

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State Plan on Aging for FY 2010- FY 2012

This document describes the State of Illinois’s plan on aging in accordance to Older Americans Act guidelines. The plan describes the mission, organization, and strategies of Illinois’s Department on Aging to coordinate services for older adults. Amongst some of the goals for FY10-12 is to rebalance long-term care to expand home and community-based services, expand transportation for seniors, promote wellness, and advocate for and protect elder rights.

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Translating Evidence-based Dementia Caregiver Interventions to Social Service Agencies

Nine presentations on ways to translate research and knowledge into improved caregiving are given here. They were first presented at a meeting hosted by the Healthy Aging Research Network in November 2008. Successful models and programs, such as RE-AIM, Alabama REACH, Savvy Caregiver Project, NYU Caregiver Intervention, and Environmental Skill-Building Program are featured. Other presentations deal with funding and policies.

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2005 White House Conference on Aging: Final Report

Once a decade this conference meets to make aging policy recommendations to the President and Congress and to assist the public and private sectors in promoting dignity, health, independence, and economic security of current and future generations of older persons. The 2005 session occurred as the first wave of the baby boom generation prepared for retirement, creating an important opportunity to creatively assess aging. You can download the entire final report or selected sections.

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Examination Of Texas Rider 37: A Medicaid “Money Follows The Person” Long-Term Care Initiative

This report provides a brief overview of a research study and its methods for both the field research and the quantitative analyses of the Texas Rider 37 program. The authors then present findings and observations from the qualitative study and quantitative analyses relevant to specific research questions. The report concludes with a summary of the findings.

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Calculating the Costs of Family Caregiving

What is the cost of family caregiving to employers? A new report, “MetLife Caregiving Cost Study: Productivity Losses to U.S. Business” estimates the costs associated with replacing employees, absenteeism, crisis in care, workday interruptions, supervisory time, unpaid leave and reducing hours from full-time to part-time to total $33.6 billion. A new online tool allows employers to estimate the financial impact of family caregiving responsibilities within their own businesses.

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The Aging Network and Care Transitions: Preparing your Organization Toolkit

A new resource for organizations within the Aging Network that are interested in developing a care transitions program, providing information, tools and case studies. Chapters for the toolkit include: Getting Started, Taking Time to Plan, Developing Effective Partnerships with Health Care Providers, Measuring for Success, Building Organizational Capacity, Implementation and Day-to-Day Operations. The toolkit can be downloaded by sections or in its entirety.

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You decide. Your help. Consumer Directed Video

Interested in how to use media to market your program? Minnesota has developed short video clips to make it easier for consumers to learn about “You Decide. Your Help.” The following video segments show viewers how to use the consumer directed service option to provide the help you need to continue to live at home. These clips give viewers the basic information on what the option is, who is eligible and who to contact for more information.

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Person-Centered Care in Assisted Living

To date, published information about person-centered care in assisted living has been sparse. This paper presents a comprehensive framework about what is needed to support person-centered care outcomes based on evidence-based practices obtained through a broad review of peer-reviewed and grey literature. This informational guide is an important resource for consumers, caregivers, and professionals.

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Technical Assistance Center for Caregiver Programs - Website

Explore this site to find upcoming and archived training events, news from the Lifespan Respite and Aging networks, and the Center’s newsletter. The Technical Assistance Centers are a partnership between Family Caregiver Alliance and the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center. Find tools needed for the efficient development and delivery of caregiver support services, best practices, policy & advocacy efforts, and to connect with fellow professionals from the aging networks.

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ADRC-TAE Fact Sheet: How to Secure Medicaid Federal Financial Participation for ADRC Functions

States can draw down federal funds to assist in paying for the operation of their Medicaid program. Some ADRC activities may be eligible for administration federal financial participation (FFP). This resource provides guidance in applying and securing Medicaid FFP for ADRC activities.

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