System Transformation

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Leveraging Philanthropic Investments to Advance Policy Change

This article by the Assistant Secretary for Aging, Josefina G. Carbonell, describes how the US Department of Health and Human Services' Administration on Aging leveraged the investments of a number of private foundations and entered into a partnership with them to develop, test, and support the initiatives that were eventually included in the Bush administration's Choices for Independence Reauthorization Proposal.

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Confronting Multiple Oppressions: Examining the Needs of People with Disabilities who are of Hispanic / Latino Descent

Hispanic individuals with disabilities have unique needs that service systems often do not meet. Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital recently conducted a needs assessment with our Hispanic patients with disabilities, striving to understand the general disability-related needs of Hispanic patients and how medical systems can fit into meeting these needs. These PowerPoint presentations were presented at the Latino Social Workers Organization's conference in March 2009 (Chicago, IL).

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2010 CLP and ADRC National Meeting- Call for Sessions

Community Living Program and Aging & Disability Resource Center grantees, and Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Services programs, evaluators, researchers, and other stakeholders are welcome to answer this call for proposals. Attendance is invitation only, but interested subject matter expert are encouraged to submit sessions and/or recommend a consumer to attend. Deadline is Dec. 15, 2009, “Changing Systems, Changing Lives” will be Feb. 22-24, 2010 in Alexandria, VA.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2004 Grantees: Final Report

CMS awarded the fourth round of 3-year grants for RCSC in Sept 2004. Three categories of grants were awarded: Research and Demonstration grants (40), Technical Assistance grants (10), and Feasibility Study and Development grants (2). This report focuses on the outcomes and Enduring Systems Improvements in Housing, Comprehensive Systems Reform, Mental Health Systems Transformation, Quality, Rebalancing, and Family to Family Grantees.

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Initiatives of the FY 2004 Mental Health Systems Transformation Grantees

In September 2004 CMS provided $3.6 million to fund MHST grants to encourage states to develop mental health systems infrastructure to implement and sustain evidence-based and recovery-oriented practices. Grants were awarded to 12 states under the Systems Change grants program. This report describes the initiatives with a focus on implementation issues and challenges and how they addressed them. Four Grantees focused solely on evidence-based practices, six on recovery practices, and two on both.

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Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)- Alerting the Whole Community: Removing Barriers to Alerting Accessibility

IPAWS is a modernization and integration of the nation’s alert and warning infrastructure. This paper serves to demonstrate how IPAWS addresses the challenges of reaching the whole community, including the 25% of our population who might need assistance. It offers evidence that while IPAWS doesn't solve all of the challenges, it can certainly mitigate them, particularly with greater stakeholder engagement and public awareness. Emerging technologies that could improve accessibility are reviewed.

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Access for All Customers: Universal Strategies for One-Stop Career Centers

One-Stop Career Centers serve a diverse range of customers. These include individuals with a variety of educational and work backgrounds, as well as individuals with a wide range of disabilities and support needs. An effective way to serve this broad customer pool is to provide One-Stop services according to the principles of what is known as “universal design,” using common strategies that benefit many groups. This brief discusses the benefits of One-Stop services in detail.

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Arkansas State Plan on Aging 2008-2011

The Older Americans Act (OAA) requires states to submit a Plan on Aging every 1-4 years focused on reforming long-term care to help keep older people independent. Arkansas presents information on their organization, programs, goals, funding, and people served. Their plan covers areas including Cash & Counseling, Money Follows the Person, transportation planning, disaster preparedness, and others.

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