Long-Term Care

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Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services Website

The Department of Public Health and Human Services works to improve and protect the health, well-being, and self-reliance of Montanans. The website offers inforation on Addictive and Mental Disorders, Child and Family Services, Child Support Enforcement, Disability Services, Fiscal Services, Health Policy and Services, Human and Community Services, Operations and Technology, Quality Assurance, Senior and Long Term Care

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49954

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Maine Department of Human Services, Bureau of Elder and Adult Services Website

The Bureau works to reduce reliance on institutional long-term care and to offer more safe, affordable choices for consumers and families in Maine. The site provides information on new kinds of home and community-based services, changes in how state and Medicaid-funded long-term care programs are administered, major changes to program policies, and how the system is chaning to serve more people.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/49938

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