Independence Plus

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This website is part of a national initiative funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to increase opportunities for older consumers to direct their own care. Consumer Direction describes programs and services where people are given maximum choice and control over their care. When people say they want to be \"independent\" or they want \"autonomy\" or \"self-direction,\" they are talking about consumer direction. Access to the Consumer Direction newletter, \"Consumer Choice\" is available here.

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Kentucky Self-Determination: Kevin Webb and Kim Brown Self-Determination Act

This is a Kentucky bill that was passed when a parent/advocate took her son onto the floor of the Senate and lobbied for its passage - this parent is one of the members of the Real Choices Consumer Advisory Committee. The bill defines self-determined funding and allows for a pilot project for individualized and self-determined funding.

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Promoting Quality in Home and Community-Based Services: Audio Conference

A number of CMS grantees are working on quality assurance and improvement initiatives as part of their Community Living Grant activities. This audio conference was organized specifically to meet the needs of grantees who expressed great interest in hearing about what CMS requires for quality in community-based services, about promising practices and quality assurance and quality improvement and overall CMS goals for quality services.

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Independence Plus 1915 (c) Waiver Template

This is the Official CMS Template for 1915 (c)Waivers. This initiative expedites the ability of states to offer families with a member who requires long-term supports and services, or individuals who require long-term supports and services, greater opportunities to take charge of their own health and direct their own services. Families and individuals will exercise greater choice, control and responsibility for their services within cost neutral standards.

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Independence Plus 1115 Demonstration Template

This is the Official CMS 1115 Demonstration Template. This initiative expedites the ability of states to offer families with a member who requires long-term supports and services, or individuals who require long-term supports and services, greater opportunities to take charge of their own health and direct their own services. Families and individuals will exercise greater choice, control and responsibility for their services within cost neutral standards.

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