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Involving People with Lived Experience in Complex Care Research

Through support from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, CHCS has published a Patient-Centered Complex Care Research Agenda to help involve people with lived experiences with complex care in the research process. The Better Care Playbook spoke to two individuals who helped develop the Research Agenda to learn how involving people with lived experience in research can help strengthen the complex care evidence base.

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Navigating Bias in Health Care Delivery: Tools to Foster Patient-Provider Trust

CHCS has two new tools designed to help support health care stakeholders in fostering trust between patients and providers: 1) Words Matter: Strategies to Reduce Bias in Electronic Health Records. This tool offers practical strategies for providers on how to write notes that promote patient-centered care and dignity. 2) Building Patient-Provider Trust to Help Patients Navigate a Biased System. This tool can help providers better understand the impact of their bias and better serve patients of color. It includes a handout that can be shared with patients and families to help them effectively engage with their providers.

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Engaging People with Lived Expertise to Inform Complex Care Research

With support from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, CHCS brought together patients, providers, researchers, and clinicians to develop a Patient-Centered Complex Care Research Agenda. The agenda aims to embed a consistent focus on what matters most to patients into complex care research design and will be released in Fall 2022. This blog post shares lessons for including patient perspectives to guide research priorities, based on CHCS’ experience creating a patient and family advisory board and a research community to help inform the Research Agenda.

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